It's all up from here!

Posted by llymo5 @llymo5, Jan 6, 2024

Woke up at 4:45am as usual, took the dogs out, tried to get my fingers to move. Also as usual, they were locked up like they'd been dipped in concrete and allowed to dry. I get extra points for having a trigger thumb and ring finger!

I've been making my coffee ahead of time at night now because my stupid hands don't want to work in the morning to wash out the carafe and my single favorite mug and load it all back up again. I was too tired last night though, I went straight to bed.

I pulled off my compression gloves, and my copper wire splints, so I could wash out the carafe. I washed it and turned to put it on the counter but my fingers let go. It crashed to the floor and shattered in ways that approached comical. My vision is POOR but even I could see glass glinting in my low light, EVERYWHERE.

My husband comes out of the bedroom and immediately takes over. I had grabbed my little stick vacuum and was trying to keep my English Mastiff out of the kitchen when he told me to go take care of myself, I was bleeding. Oh. I looked down and there were drops of blood all over the floor, smears on the vacuum. Sighs.

My finger was only a small cut but I BLEED, it's fine. My husband cleaned EVERYTHING up, meticulously. My dogs minded me and stayed out. I don't get any coffee this morning, but hey, I ordered a replacement carafe!

The day has to be all up from here, right??

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I hope your finger is ok and didn't bleed for too long. At least it was the carafe and not your favorite mug, right? 😊 I also have a favorite mug. My dad gave it to me when I was in middle school, its ceramic with a little teddy bear on it. It's simple but it reminds me of my dad. He moved out of the country almost 20 years ago and I haven't seen him since. We still talk but it's not the same. Hopefully your new carafe arrives today so you can have your coffee in the morning. Take care.


Sorry to hear that you had such a rough morning. I have a coffee machine that has a plastic carafe, that I fill the night before. It just holds water so very rarely do I clean it. I just let it air dry. Best of all in the morning all I do is put in a pod in and push a button and out comes my coffee...good luck !


Oh man! A morning without coffee! That’s tough for those of us who love our coffee. I can sympathize. I only do one cup in the morning, but for me…it makes my day. I sure hope your cut heals well and your carafe arrives soon. Is there somewhere nearby to get a takeout cup?


Ohhh.... Sending you coffee vibes !


The solution's obvious -- switch from coffee to tea! We're happy to welcome you to the good team. 🙂

More seriously, while the cause might be different, I also had serious issues with being unable to close my fingers in the morning, partly due to nerve damage from a cancer-related spinal injury, and partly due to serious wear in my joints (spotted in a bone scan for the cancer). It's not cured now — I still have to work my fingers a bit in the morning before I can make a fist — but squeezing exercises with a squishy ball during the day (and later, with one of those spring-loaded grip things when I got stronger) eventually made a big difference, to the point that I was even able to get back to classical guitar and play at my younger daughter's wedding.

You may already be doing this, but if not, I suggest giving it a try (just a 2-3 times/day, 10 reps each, gently) and sticking with it for a few weeks. It gave me back my music, which was important after I'd lost so many other things.


@ llymo5. I hope you've recovered by this time. I have a stainless steel carafe that came with my coffee maker. I didn't think about it at the time but reading your mishap this morning I'm liking my steel carafe even more. And like others here if I can't have my coffee first thing in the morning I may as well go back to bed for the day!


Hey! I started with numb feet around the age of 50. At first, very painful. Gradually the pain went away but numbness didn't. Now I wear Skechers every day (5 pair). Now my fingers are getting numb as I have Raynaud's syndrome.
I know how you feel but you sure look on the bright side and you would make a great, sharp comedian.


Use a large cup and make coffee one or two cups at a time. Then you have no glass carafe to break.


Oh man! A morning without coffee! That’s tough for those of us who love our coffee. I can sympathize. I only do one cup in the morning, but for me…it makes my day. I sure hope your cut heals well and your carafe arrives soon. Is there somewhere nearby to get a takeout cup?

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As I read your post this morning with my daily coffee, I’m toasting to your husband for being a thoughtful and concerned helper! I too am blessed with a very good partner who helps with the mishaps that happen with my condition, or just helps do things I can’t do. He is physically healthy but hey, he occasionally drops things too, and I have helped clean up many terrible messages (his containers are full when he drops them!) The score is far from even and I suppose I shouldn’t feel a tiny bit of pleasure when it was him instead of me… I honestly feel bad for those suffering without a little household help. Keep up the great sense of humor and good attitude; you’re right, we should constantly work at making the rest of our time with as much improvement that we can muster!

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