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Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Chronic Pain | Last Active: 13 hours ago | Replies (7155)

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Neuropathy is what my hubby has in his feet and hands. I have in fingers because of my carpal tunnel but unfortunately that it not what I have in my feet, back, legs and arms.
CRPS causes what it is called windup. The pain - nerve in nature- begins in my feet or back. My feet feel like they are on fire. Have you ever burned your finger? Had a severe case of case of sunburn? Felt that deep burn when you put ice cold feet in burning hot water? That’s what I’m about except it doesn’t go away. Add tingling like you’re slapping a foot that’s waking up after it’s been frozen for a long time. Then pile on sciatic pain slicing down the back into the heel into the toes along the outside of the foot.
Repeat this in the other side in a quarter measure and in the back at half measure. The right shoulder only acts up if it’s been maneuvering heavy heavy objects since I can’t use my back or Legs to lift anything mainly because I have a torn labrum from my two manipulations to release the frozen shoulder five years ago.
I refuse to let anyone touch it.
Do I want help?
The truth? No I want action. I want to see results. But then again that’s my problem.

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Replies to "Neuropathy is what my hubby has in his feet and hands. I have in fingers because..."

Wow, that is an amazing description of your pain Renee. I have a much clearer picture of, if not WHAT you are experiencing (I'd have to feel it to do that), but actually where it occurs and how it moves and develops in your body. I can feel your frustration and impatience at what this is doing to you and even the fact that it's happening and you are pretty much at the end of your tether over it.

A few minutes ago I was reading the account by @jerid of her case of shingles and the unbelievable and virtually indescribable intensity of pain that occurs with that illness. I think that is part of the frustration of pain sufferers, that they can not communicate to others exactly how terrible experiencing their pain actually is. It's impossible. My guess is that if EVERY person on earth (including all doctors and researchers) were forced to experience pain like she (and you) are trying to convey for at least 30 minutes each and every day, there would be a whole array of effective and safe pain treatments available to all within a remarkably short period of time. Think about it. If everyone knew the level of misery that it is possible for a human being to feel, a whole new level of motivation to find answers would magically open up.

Just a thought. Hank

@faithwalker007 I am so sorry for what you are going through. Is there any “movement” we can start to help people who need pain relief? I don’t like the taste of alcohol so I can’t drink myself into abandon like some of my friends have to relieve their pain or anxiety.