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PMR Taper and pain

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | Last Active: May 30 12:19pm | Replies (63)

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I think that evidently the dose you are currently taking isn't quite enough to control the PMR and its inflammation. You'll likely need to increase your dose up to whatever the previous prednisone dose was that was effective and kept you with minimal or no pain.

Early in 2023 I had finally reduced down to a 1 mg dose but after about 1 week the old familiar pains showed up and gradually began increasing. From all the reading on this forum and another one I realized that I had dropped below the lowest effective dose that would control the PMR pain. I had to move back up to 4 mg before the pain melted away. I sat at 4 mg for 2 months before tapering again - at an even slower rate than before. I've made it down to 1 mg dose again and will try to get to zero but after 7 years I have realized that what matters is the lowest EFFECTIVE dose - not getting to zero. We don't get any prizes for living in pain.

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Replies to "I think that evidently the dose you are currently taking isn't quite enough to control the..."

I have to get off of the prednisone due to the worsening of my osteoporosis so in my mind, no going back to any previous dose......I just live with the pain. My rheumy suggested hydroxychloquine to help with inflammation but I got a scary rash head to toe. I'm surviving on tylenol a couple times per day. The PMR arrived shortly after I had a senior flu shot and two weeks later the covid booster....but doctors won't connect it since they say no scientific proof. I was in great shape before this and after two years, at 75, I'm not sure how much longer I have to deal with this, however there are so many worse things. My CRP is at 24 so the PMR appears still active. I've recently read that low dose naltrexone can help but again, numerous side effects. Also I'm very hesitant to take osteoporosis drugs due to ugly side effects. Has anyone ahd a good experience with these drugs? Thanks for your input.

How often do you take the 4 mg?

Hello. And thanks for sharing the knowledge and perspective from your experience with tapering prednisone.

Next month will be one year for me with PMR. Was down to 5mg Sept.2023 when a flare up wouldn't respond to 8mg. Doc said to go up to 15mg for ten days then back to 10mg and continue weaning by 1mg/month. I'm at 8mg now for Jan. When I get to 5mg again he wants me to stay there a while. I'm concerned about gettimg to the 5mg. I'm considering staying on these lower titrating doses a month and a half to 2 months so that I'm not weaned too quickly? Don't know yet where my LED (lowest eff. dose) will be.

72 next month. Grateful for the reasonably good quality of life, considering I've had to downsize my physical exertion and create a new normal. Your recent posts have been very helpful.

Wish you the best.
