Anyone have dumping syndrome post esophagectomy?

Posted by smanseau @smanseau, Jan 2, 2024

Anyone else have dumping syndrome post esophagectomy. How long did it last?

Any suggestions please.

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I had my esophagectomy 8 years ago at Mayo and had a recurrence 3 years ago and underwent proton radiation also at Mayo and am now in remission. I had a few serious episodes of dumping syndrome 6-12 months post-surgery and am still having milder episodes maybe 2 or 3 times a month.


I had my esophagectomy 8 years ago at Mayo and had a recurrence 3 years ago and underwent proton radiation also at Mayo and am now in remission. I had a few serious episodes of dumping syndrome 6-12 months post-surgery and am still having milder episodes maybe 2 or 3 times a month.

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What did you do to relieve the symptoms? I have tried a high protein, low carbohydrate diet with a little success but I hate eating because it makes me sick. I am still supplementing with tube feedings.


What did you do to relieve the symptoms? I have tried a high protein, low carbohydrate diet with a little success but I hate eating because it makes me sick. I am still supplementing with tube feedings.

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My episodes have all had to do with kinds or amounts of food. They're now mild, beginning with weakness, followed by sweating. I lie down for 30-60 minutes, sometimes falling asleep, until it passes.



I had an esophagectomy in November 2020. We did the trifecta; mild chemo, proton beam radiation and an esophagectomy. To the best of my knowledge, I have not experienced any dumping syndrome. My abdomen is still not happy though, experiencing a constant aching throbbing.

I pretty much eat what I want to, but much less than before my stomach was stretched. In the restaurant, I think soup, appetizers, starters, kids meals. For some reason, any McDonalds food instigates a vomit. Not sure why, I love McDonalds food. Some uncooked veggies can be problematic and best to avoid; 'raw' onions, 'steamed' beans. Proteins seems to go down well.



Thanks. I can’t eat bread muffins, pasta without becoming lightheaded, retching and diarrhea. It’s almost 4 mos. since surgery and still using j-tube for supplemental feedings. I have no feeling of hunger or desire to eat. Hope this ends soon. I appreciate your input.



Wow, you are eating early! I was not allowed to eat until May after a November surgery. Of course, I had complications that earned me an extra 5 day stay at the St. Mary's resort. Restarting the GI tract was difficult.
Hang in there!



My episodes have all had to do with kinds or amounts of food. They're now mild, beginning with weakness, followed by sweating. I lie down for 30-60 minutes, sometimes falling asleep, until it passes.

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Hi, I am 11 months post esophagectomy. I have the same issues with the kinds and amounts of food. Also feel the same, weakness, sweating and the need to lie down. It happens when it wants to and lasts as long as it wants to. I have discovered that I can’t eat red meat ( never did like or eat it much before). Also I stay away from red sauces, leafy greens and most meats. I am very careful as to how much and when I eat. Never eat 2-3 hours before bed. I wish everyone the absolute best. This is definitely a tough surgery to overcome!


I had my esophagectomy in late April of 2023 and developed dumping syndrome a few months later. I have episodes at least every few days to varying degrees which I learned to treat instinctively with fruit juice and candy to level out the insulin surge. I've tried keeping a food diary at the suggestion of my surgeon but there really isn't a trigger pattern in terms of quantity or selection although small portions seem to help. The sweating and light headiness is frequently significant. It does help to limit liquids when eating. Or I think it does. Very frustrating. I am finally learning to listen to my body if I start to eat something like a sandwich or a piece of cake and it feels "off" to just stop and either move to another food group or just fast. Used to be a huge craft beer and cocktail drinker but those days are behind me.


I had my esophagectomy 8 years ago at Mayo and had a recurrence 3 years ago and underwent proton radiation also at Mayo and am now in remission. I had a few serious episodes of dumping syndrome 6-12 months post-surgery and am still having milder episodes maybe 2 or 3 times a month.

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My reply is actually a husband had the esophagectomy first, in October. He is now doing chemo (infusions) one day a week, and proton radiation five days . He has a port for a feeding tube, but is not using it now. However, today he said that it is squirting "stuff" out. He was eating oatmeal and fruit, his usual breakfast. I was wondering if this squirting is the same thing as dumping. His doctors have never used this term.

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