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Hi Barbara, I started the Big 3 just 3 month after I was diagnosed, soon after the final culture results came back. First I needed several courses of treatment for pseudomonas.
It was never in question whether to use them - I was very sick and getting worse, because it took a long time to get diagnosed.
I was on the antibiotics for 18 months - at first 3 times a week, the last 6 months it was every day. Yes, there were side effects, but I managed to live with them, it just got bad when the meds were every day. BUT, that was quite a while ago, and the new protocol of adding Arikayce if the cultures did not convert to negative after 6 months did not exist then.
Knowing what I have learned in 5 1/2 years on Connect, IF I was asymptomatic AND I did not have M. abscessus, or cavities or numerous nodules in my lungs, I would try to convince my docs to do a 6 month trial of rigorous airway clearance with 7% saline, exercise and healthy diet.
That is not the same as "wait and watch" - it is actually an established non-antibiotic protocol, and requires monitoring with every 2-3 months and probably a repeat CT at 6 months. This article talks about it:
What are your doctors recommending today? Have you been able to find one who sees MAC often?

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Replies to "Hi Barbara, I started the Big 3 just 3 month after I was diagnosed, soon after..."

Hi, the Pulmonologist wanted me to start all 3 at once for 3 days a week. I asked the nurse who called me about the meds if I could start one at a time and she said No. That was back in early October. I made the decision not to take them and started looking for an ID Dr. I started with her in early November and she does not feel I should start them since I have no symptoms. I currently have an appt. in January with a new Pulmo Dr. since the ID Dr. says I still need one for the mild COPD that I have. When I see her again I am going to ask that I start the airway clearance. I do have 2 small nodules and something she referred to as consolidation. I can't imagine where I would be today if I had not accidentally found out about this wonderful group of people that have taught me so much about this disease. Thank you so much.