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Wow, sorry @markymarkfl -- just saw this! My GI doc recommended an MRI with and without contrast which came back clean. With all the controversy over the Grail/Galleri test and sensitivity/specificity issues I have decided to wait on getting this test performed. Fam hx yields a maternal grandmother who passed at 50 with PC, and a mom who passed at 56 from colon CA.
In the meanwhile my sister, who was diagnosed stage IV July 2023 has undergone 7 Folfirinox infusions with good results. Her CT has shown an undetectable tumor, originally at the head of the pancreas, and no evidence of mets. I know certain lesions are not seen with scans. Her CA19-9 was never really super high. It was 45 in July, now 20. She tells me her Onco at MSK spoke of possibly limited surgery down the line?????? She was jubilant when she asked him "how long" she has --- when he said, "Many, many years". Being in healthcare, I am cautious interpreting his reply.
Knowing individuality in response to treatment yields different results with similar diagnoses,
I am also jubilant (with caution) that she is responding well so far -- even though each treatment has her feeling so awful for over a week afterwards only to repeat again, and again, ad nauseam (no pun intended).
I am hoping she will be well enough to travel at some point since we are on separate coasts and I have been flying in to NYC numerous times since her diagnosis. I will continue to travel to see my only sibling and hope one day she can enjoy some chemo-free time with me.
Thank you for your considerate and intelligent posts on this thread. I always look forward to reading your posts.

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Replies to "Wow, sorry @markymarkfl -- just saw this! My GI doc recommended an MRI with and without..."

Prayers lifted high for your sister. So far the news is fantastic. Let it continue moving in this very positive direction.