← Return to Confused and Anxious Beyond: Questions about fatty liver and cirrhosis

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Hi. I currently have NASH F2/3. My liver enzymes are good, within normal except ggt. My doctor and transplant coordinator are little different in approach. If I get to f3 I will have liver biopsy bc I am always told scans may not be able to catch everything all the time. I have been told an MRE is more accurate than fibroscan but not always covered by insurance. BTW, I am 33 years post liver transplant. Lots of experiences over my journey. Hope this offers info to ask ur doctor. If this still bothers u, you should consider second opinion. We must trust our hepatologist. If not, pls change. Hope this helped

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Replies to "Hi. I currently have NASH F2/3. My liver enzymes are good, within normal except ggt. My..."

Thanks Beracha!! I am sorry to hear that you have NASH after a transplant and I wish you so much success in this journey!!! I appreciate your response!
I did have the MRE as I am in Canada so my 9.0 kPa and 1.73 m/s is pretty accurate...do you mind me asking what yours is? Also did you have a "nodular contour" show up on any imaging you have had done? My descriptions have said nodular contour which I know can be a sign of cirrhosis but if I am correct I understand you can have a nodular contour with Fibrosis 2 or 3 as well? Then there is the ascites but I still wonder if perhaps my liver being so enlarged (17.4 cm in July) that might have put pressure on the portal vein as I do not have portal hypertension according to my GP. I have read that ascites can come on in stage 3 fibrosis for some people and think possibly because I went from fatty liver to possible cirrhosis in 20 months maybe things ramped up internally for me...or maybe I sadly do have cirrhosis but I sure am hoping not.
Like I said I drank more than I should in the last two to three years but did not have a problem before that. COVID hit and my Father passed away and I was depressed and full of anxiety and unfortunately turned to alcohol for relief which I so much regret...I am very athletic and eat well and I am so angry with myself for doing this to my body and I have to stop letting it consume me. I cannot wait to see a Hepatologist but am still on the wait list - either way I am completely alcohol free for 6 months as of today in fact - I am working out and eating clean and trying my best to heal my liver and pray it can still be repaired!! I still do not know how you can have cirrhosis that quickly or have it with a liver stiffness of 9.0 kPa and then the 1.73 m/s which is equal to a 7.5 kPa???