Getting off of Bupropion and Duluxetine

Posted by cloudsrest @cloudsrest, Jan 2, 2024

I was put on Bupropion 150 mg for low mood 8 months ago and then Duloxetine 40mg was added for was 3 months later. Feeling pretty good about myself for more than a month and leaving for 3 weeks of travel I forgot these meds. I did have the thought that I’d like to get off of both of them at some time and I believe this was possibly a semi conscience mistake. I just read here after almost a month of these meds that much more care should have been taken in slowly weening myself from these meds. I am a youthful 73 yo male in relatively good health and active doctors care as I’ve been high maintenance all my life. I was with my loving family during this time and asked my sister to pay attention to any changes she might see in me. Within 3 days I noticed a substantial increase in my normally sensitive self to the point of my eyes tearing up and getting choked up over much that never caused this reaction. Excuse me but I likened it to my wife’s emotions when her monthly would hit her hard. Just in this last I’ve noticed this finally tapering off thankfully and had the presence of mind to do some research on it. Aside from the emotional issue I’ve described I did have some hopefully non related numbness in my left hand.
I just thought I’d pass this along should anyone else be as momentarily casual about their health as I was. I’m certainly not advising anyone to do as I did, it was truly embarrassing at times. I have gained the mental clarity I was missing in the mornings and am feeling optimistic that the next few months “clean” will net further positive results. I was not liking the lack of affect and passion I once had before taking these meds. I suppose I’ll have some explaining to do when I next see my Drs.

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I’m goad it worked out ok for you. Were you on the meds for anything other than low mood? I noticed this is under bone, joints and muscles. Just curious.


The Bupropion was for mood and the Duloxetine was complimentary to the Bupropion for aches and pain. I’m at a general pian level just beyond what extra strength Tylenol can maintain.


The Bupropion was for mood and the Duloxetine was complimentary to the Bupropion for aches and pain. I’m at a general pian level just beyond what extra strength Tylenol can maintain.

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I see. I might start some meds for mood that are also thought to address pain. We’ll see. I think my pain is improving without meds. I hope yours continues so well.


I see. I might start some meds for mood that are also thought to address pain. We’ll see. I think my pain is improving without meds. I hope yours continues so well.

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Thank you, it’s been a life long problem and I thought it was more in my head but at 60 yo I had double knee replacement and dealt very well with the pain. Keeping it livable definitely affects my mood positively.


I’m goad it worked out ok for you. Were you on the meds for anything other than low mood? I noticed this is under bone, joints and muscles. Just curious.

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I feel in me they were hand in hand as the pain lowered my positivity, lowering my mood. I’m thankful I never took more than the smallest dose of each.


I was on 150mg Buproprion and 60mg Duloxetine and weaned myself off them gradually in the spring before I had a planned surgery. I have spinal stenosis, neuropathy, arthritis and anxiety/depression due to chronic pain. At first, I seemed okay and was managing but then seemed to emotionally crash in the summer. The pain was manageable (get spinal injections and take alpha Lipoic acid for nerve pain) but my emotions seemed to get out of control. It was a perfect storm of going off medications, perimenopause, job loss and life stress as a single parent with no support system. My doctor has put me on 40 mg Fluoxetine (Prozac) which has helped me stabilize my emotions. Before going on the new Rx, I didn’t want to live anymore. Now, I am much better and able to function again.

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