← Return to Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

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I believe I first had covid in 2021. I went through every symptom, including loss of taste and smell. Some time later I would think I had covid but would test negative. Right up to last week. I began to have sinus problems more than normal, after Covid-19, especially drainage/pleghm in the back of my throat that after 2-3 weeks would inevitably lead to stuff coming out my nose; then leading to a sinus bacterial infection. In early May 2023 I got this sinus stuff so bad I had loss of hearing for a full week or more. I improved but the drainage down my throat never left.
Then in July 2023, I again was faced with all the sinus symptoms sparking and drainage down my throat causing me to cough up gunk. I said enough is enough from CA not putting me on an antibiotic. I had to go to OR on family business so went to an emergency room while on my trip. All in an attempt to relieve my misery. The doctor said sinusitis turned bacterial. He put me on Azithromyocin (?). All my symptoms went away and I finally felt like my old self. I wanted to cry it had been too long since I had felt that good. However, my family started getting coughs in about October 2023. I contracted this 3 weeks ago and it's still with me again. Then I caught the flu from my granddaughter, so I had two things my body was trying to fight. I got mostly over the flu, but this damn stuff down my throat has again not went away for weeks and now has spread to my upper sinuses. I am miserable again with this lingering phlegm cough moving into likely week 4. If it goes long enough the only thing that has rid me of this misery is an antibiotic. I try to wait it out so my body will get rid of this, but since I had a bad case of Covid-19, it would appear I am less able to get rid of this sickness, or this stuff down my throat is something left by Covid to keep attacking.
I will say while laying down I do feel some acid reflux, and I feel worse in mornings if I don't take a steam shower and get dressed and up and around. I tire easily and not much motivation. The honest truth is I have rare times feeling 100% after my first illness of Covid-19. Some would like to say well I am getting older (65). But I say hogwash. I was fine before Covid-19. And I know what has been happening. To me, this all seems lab-grown to humanities detriment. I have decided to go to an ENT specialist to confirm whether or not something else is causing this stuff down my throat. I suspect he will find nothing. My body might be left with taking care of this and my continual use of NeilMed Sinus Rinse, or it will wear down my ability to fight other viruses or Covid again. This can lead to an eventual death much earlier than otherwise would have been before Covid. Thus...the federal female and male life expectencies will fall to a lower age Again, as this virus does its damage. Which in turn means more recovery for federal social security accounts. hmm

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Replies to "I believe I first had covid in 2021. I went through every symptom, including loss of..."

Oh my gosh I totally understand when you say you have questioned is it just me? My age? Getting older? Is this just what we go through? But then I’m like hell no I’m old enough to know my body and I know my timeline of these events and I know it’s connected to Covid! I ended up on antibiotics for bronchitis following a trip to Florida last year when red tide was real bad. I’ve never had chronic colds, never had strep throat, and never in my life had I had bronchitis. At the time I actually hoped or thought maybe I needed these all along; surely this will clear it all up. Nope the same nasty sticky phlegm was still with me. Life expectancies are already declining and you may have a point that post Covid and long Covid illnesses and lingering misery may have an even further negative effect.
I just turned 68 and it is discouraging to reach retirement and start out with a pandemic, illness and long term miserable lingering effects.