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Hi, I have posted before about my husband. We found out last summer he had an issue with his blood work and was very tired. After a bone marrow biopsy at a local hospital that physician sent his results to Mayo since they just accepted them a partnership with them. Local hospital said non Hodgkin lymphoma but this dr didn’t feel it matched his symptoms so biopsy sent to Mayo and MDS-EB 2 with 19-% blasts so off to a local bone marrow specialist. And within 2-3 days he was getting chemo all as an outpatient. He did very well through that until he didn’t. He developed a fever and was very delirious with them and was hospitalized for two weeks and was told he wouldn’t be a candidate for a transplant. Well as I have said before and Lori has heard it he was a guy who worked out every day before all this. So off to PT and she worked wonders and so in Feb 2023 we got a transplant from a most gracious unknown 30 yr old male. I’m not saying it was easy as he also had graph vs host disease and a very bad bout of cdiff that again caused delirious temps. So today as I write this we had a very nice Christmas this year unlike last year. He does have some fungus in his lungs, low sodium levels, blood clot in his groin but platelets going up and alkaline phosphorus going down. But he is walking almost every day or going to his yes Parkinson’s exercise class twice a week. We have had a lot of prayers being answered and so grateful for the second chance. Just love our extended family members at the BMT clinic and hospital. Prayers for the rest of people going through this process. 🙏

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Replies to "Hi, I have posted before about my husband. We found out last summer he had an..."

Hi @jrwilli1…it’s been one heck of a year for you and your husband. Phew, huh? Within the first year after a SCT it’s not unusual to have that new immune system test your stamina and toss in a couple surprises just so you don’t get too complacent. 😅. I’m happy to hear he’s doing much better with the recovery now. I know he had some pretty rough moments in the beginning and still has some health issues he’s working through. But it sounds like he’s turned the corner for the better now!

It’s a good sign, or at least it was in my experience, that his ALP number is trending down. It’s also encouraging to learn he’s going to his exercise classes and walking daily! Little bits of normalcy returning.

Wishing you and your husband a Happy, Healthy and “unremarkable” New Year! ☺️
( Unremarkable was always the key word I wanted to hear at my followup appts).