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Hi, Ray, I recently had a visit with my Physical Therapist where he massaged my feet. Like you, I have numbness and tingling in my feet with not much pain. This time, the therapist used something "warming" on my feet.... and they felt great for several hours afterwards. I asked what he had used, and he showed me the bottle of "RockSauce," a lotion that contains Capsaicin. He used his bare hands for the massage, and he emphasized that if I tried this lotion on my own at home to either use gloves or be sure to wash my hands thoroughly after massaging it in, as if you touch your face with it, it can cause some stinging in the eyes. Like you described in your post, it seems that warming helps me more than Icy Hot or anything cold. I have ordered some of the RockSauce from Amazon and plan to give it a try at least once daily.
Just sharing since you said warmth seems to help you more than cold. Best wishes! Mike

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Replies to "Hi, Ray, I recently had a visit with my Physical Therapist where he massaged my feet...."

Thanks, Mike. You and I may be among the fortunate exceptions for whom simple warming results in improved foot sensation. It sure seems to help me. Simple warming is not a cure, but it certainly is a helper. I'll check around for RockSause. In the meantime, I'm going to continue placing my shoes upside down on the floor furnace grill to get them nice and toasty before putting them on and going outside to face the winter temps. –Ray