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PMR - possible diagnosis

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | Last Active: Jan 14 5:00pm | Replies (33)

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Sounds like you were on the right track. And getting a diagnosis early is huge. People struggle for years without getting the appropriate diagnosis. I’ve had PMR now for a year and a taper down to 7 mg of prednisone from 40. Mine too was very sudden onset. Came on after a very bad flu that lasted about 10 days. One morning I woke up and could not stand on my legs. My hips and thighs and lower back were all locked. Very scary and it happened on 23 December which meant getting help very difficult. Luckily my internist was on it and got me in to see her on the 23rd and I was on prednisone before Christmas. Currently things have relapsed and I’m back up on 30 mg of prednisone again due to a bad flu virus combination. But I am now on a biologic which is a whole line of medication that helps get you down off the prednisone and targets the PMR in a way the other things do not. Mine is Kevzara. One thing to keep in mind is that they really do not know a whole lot about PMR. And my rheumatologist often says things like well. You don’t present classically. Or this isn’t a normal presentation. But the one thing I’ve learned about being on here is it every single person on here is a bit different in how the PMR presents, how it starts, and what helps. Diet is big for most people. As is continuing to get some kind of exercise to keep things limber and moving. Sugar and stress are two huge triggers for me.

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Replies to "Sounds like you were on the right track. And getting a diagnosis early is huge. People..."

Thank you for your comments. I've just read about Kevzara, looks like a good alternative to Prednisone. The internet and this support group have been great sources of information. I am realizing that there is not a lot of research out there as you said.

I found a Rheumatologist on YouTube, Dr. Elizabeth Ortiz. She is very knowledgeable and easy to follow.

I am looking forward to meeting the Rheumatologist, he is new to our area, been in practice 5 years, so he has some experience couple with the latest technology, My dermatologist says that he's sharp.

My PCP and derm are guessing I have PMR, my blood tests show high inflammation and have ruled out RA and some other diseases. Plus I "present"
as you say, in the normal, classic way. I fit the profile too, I just turned 70, am female, and am of northern European heritage.

I think diet, acupuncture, and swim therapy will help whatever I have. Prednisone for now is a life saver. I've always been active and somewhat diet conscious - now I will be hyper vigilant!

Your tale of getting the flu scares me - the last thing we need is to have another ailment.

Have you tried meditating to alleviate stress? Sometimes just sitting quietly with eyes closed for 5 minutes is enough to "reboot" and redirect your energy to a more positive space.

I'll close with lo siento - I am sorry and wish you well!