Repeat lumpectomy? And treatment decisions. Need advice

Posted by kikay @kikay, Dec 15, 2023

Just had lumpectomy Dec 1. Pathology report was: positive margin on the posterior edge DCIS Micropapillary Grade 2. My surgeon called me yesterday for re-excision or another lumpectomy. I was hesitant to do it since I am a single mom and I was so difficult for me and my teens . Today he said he present my case to the tumor board to help me decide. Any suggestions? Did my surgeon messed up and missed the rest of the cancer cells? Or he just didn’t see the cancer with his naked eye just what he told me? What is the percentage that second surgery will be successful. ? After this , my oncologist said I will have radiation and hormone therapy for 5 years since my ER is positive. I need help in decision making please.

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Because of my recent cancer diagnosis of Radiation Induced ANGIOSARCOMA - as a result of my 1st breast cancer in 2014 - I read several studies - the main one was published in July 2014 - that the new protocol is to not do a Lumpectomy but to do a mastectomy and depending on the low stage of cancer - (stage 1) and the small size of the tumor (less than 1.5 mm) no radiation is recommended. An aromatase inhibitor may be taken. I took the AI LETROZOLE (Femara). So prior to the July 2014 published study 2 months prior I had a Lumpectomy - 6 weeks of Radiation and took the AI. Pill LETROZOLE (Femara) and 9 years later I got breast cancer in the same breast - I was diagnosed with ANGIOSARCOMA - which is the delayed side effect of receiving radiation for the treatment of breast cancer in 2014. It was cancer of my blood vessels- and it is rare and Aggressive. I just had a Mastectomy of my breast. It was recommended that I have no treatments but will be monitored by scans every 3-6 months and have conversations with My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ every thinking moment. I regret that they would not allow me to have my breast removed the first time - if I would have had it removed I wouldn’t have had to take 6 weeks of radiation but I would have taken the AI Pill Letrozole (Brand name: Femara). I just wanted to give you an insight of my 2 cancers - and what I’ve learned. Not to tell you what to do. But I did do lots of research and read studies on my new type of cancer Radiation Induced ANGIOSARCOMA (R-I-A)
This is Mulkey518.
May God continue to Bless you.

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Thanks for sharing. Very helpful!


I had Invasive DCIS small tumor- less than 1cm and clear margins. I did have 5 treatments of radiation in June 2023, May 1st lumpectomy/Diagnosed March 12th! Stage 0, grade 2!
I pray I do not get a radiation induced cancer. I do regret having radiation. I am not taking the
Estrogen blocker. Just diet and exersize.

I pray it will not come
Back. I will keep you in my prayers also. 💕😌

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You are in good shape - because #1 you believe in the Power of Prayer.

ANGIOSARCOMA is rare & it only happens to 7 out of 100,00 people.

You only had 5 treatments of radiation - I had 30 treatments of radiation (5 days x 6 weeks = 30 treatments) - an overkill in my opinion.

Just stay in tuned with your body and keep check on our largest organ of our body - which is the skin.

I will say prayers for you tonight. Mulkey 518


You could definitely call and see how soon you can get in but as far as I know waiting a month or so is fine……

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Thank you for your input. I do appreciate it.


Dear Mulkey518:

My heart goes out to you, my soul aches for your pain! Thanks for sharing your insight with wisdom and those painful lessons that you learnt with us to guide us the path of our journey ahead! Your courage with wisdom is hugely appreciated and treasured!

May the gracious Lord comfort you and bless you, my comrade in spirit!

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Oh thank you so much - as I too pray for people with cancer long before I got my cancers. Since I’ve
been on this group site I never knew that it is so many named cancers out here. I go to the Medical Oncology group and see various age groups of people with cancer and it is a hurting thing. I just don’t know how It has not been discovered how we get these cancer cells into our bodies and in what generation will they ever discover a cure for cancer
Mulkey 51’8


I had Invasive DCIS small tumor- less than 1cm and clear margins. I did have 5 treatments of radiation in June 2023, May 1st lumpectomy/Diagnosed March 12th! Stage 0, grade 2!
I pray I do not get a radiation induced cancer. I do regret having radiation. I am not taking the
Estrogen blocker. Just diet and exersize.

I pray it will not come
Back. I will keep you in my prayers also. 💕😌

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Do you think because it wasn't invasive? Cancer? Maybe you did not have radiation long enough.


Do you think because it wasn't invasive? Cancer? Maybe you did not have radiation long enough.

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Not sure your question.
It was invasive DCIS and the radiation although only 5 treatment was at a high GRAY which is the intensity of the radiation. So shorter visits but more intense and direct. No skin irritation at all but will feel things (scar tissue, tingles, etc.) in my breast for the next year at least.


Not sure your question.
It was invasive DCIS and the radiation although only 5 treatment was at a high GRAY which is the intensity of the radiation. So shorter visits but more intense and direct. No skin irritation at all but will feel things (scar tissue, tingles, etc.) in my breast for the next year at least.

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Sorry I read that wrong. Not sure why I thought it read it as not invasive


I had two lumpectomies because my surgeon was unable to get clear margins. This came back in the biopsy after the lumpectomies. I ended up having a mastectomy with reconstruction. I don’t think it’s that uncommon, unfortunately. Praying for you🌹


I had two lumpectomies because my surgeon was unable to get clear margins. This came back in the biopsy after the lumpectomies. I ended up having a mastectomy with reconstruction. I don’t think it’s that uncommon, unfortunately. Praying for you🌹

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Thank you for the prayers and will pray with you as well. Due to the holidays, they haven’t called me for scheduling . Thank you for sharing .


It is not uncommon to need a repeat lumpectomy…not sure why it all was missed but you may as well get it or you will be right back where you were before the first lumpectomy, that is with breast cancer. And Then go for the XRT and decide if you want the hormone therapy.

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