← Return to Vestibular migraine: What symptoms do you experience?

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Hello all, posting from the UK here. To give some back story I have been experiencing noises in my right ear since April this year which carried on for a few months until I finally went to the Dr. I was misdiagnosed with eustachian tube dysfunction and given many different types of medication as I kept going back. Nothing worked and the symptoms escalated to pressure headaches, face popping and TMJ to name a few. November this year I was in my weekly yoga class and could feel a pressure headache coming on which isn't abnormal. But the pain I began to experience is like nothing I've ever felt before!! I couldn't feel my hands, I was talking complete nonsense, couldn't lift my head, the pain in my ears and head was like something trying to escape from my brain. I was vomiting, sweating and a lady in my class had to put my shoes on. I had lost all feeling! I was experiencing vertigo for the first time (I had experienced a weird feeling of disassociation before like I wasn't present in the room a few times in the past). I was taken to A&E where I was sadly turned away and told to take painkillers. I had never experienced anything like this in my life and thought I was having a stroke. The next few days were a total blur and I can't really recall being at work or any conversations I had. I made an appointment with a private ENT who diagnosed me with Vestibular Migraine. Since then I have had all the symptoms mentioned above as well as daily vertigo, blurred vision and troubled sleeping. I get "brain zaps" frequently also. I have been prescribed 25mg of Topiramate that I take at night which is not been great. I am having some cognitive issues such as forgetting words or not being able to finish a full sentence. I am hoping this is the medication! I am getting no relief from vertigo or the noise in my ear...now this isn't a tinitus noise. It's more when I speak there is a pressure build up which I can hear come to the surface. Does anyone else experience this?? Wishing you all a happy and healthy festive period

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Replies to "Hello all, posting from the UK here. To give some back story I have been experiencing..."

clappies1990 - it sounds like to me you had a "thunderclap headache" while in your yoga class. I had one working out at my gym and the ambulance took me to the Emergency Department.
It was the worst headache of my life, and I too thought I was having a stroke.
And I had a concussion 11 months prior which all opened up horrible migraines for me.
I also say the wrong words, have forgotten so many things and still do, And always feel brain fog and a dull, pressure pain in my head and that's not even the migraine kicking in yet. My mental status has completely changed since 2019 and it's looks like it's here to stay. I have heart disease so I can not take lots of migraine medication and what I do take barely works anyway. Topiramate made me completely paralyzed in that I couldn't even function. I had no idea what I was doing.
So you are not alone for sure. I am in your shoes as well.
Hang in and hold on. I know, easy to say, hard to do. I wish you the very best of luck!