← Return to Neuropathy of the feet: Any advice on how to eliminate the numbness?

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I have polyneuropathy causing very tight calves which motivated me to do the research to feel better. Amazon's Alpha Lipoic Acid and tonic of Frankincense and Myrrh for feet have eliminated 90% of the stabbing, numbness and pins and needles I was living with. Thousands of reviews for these products are impressive and true for me too. I plan to add Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables to the menu after reading a positive review. The best news is these products are inexpensive and work quickly with NO SIDE EFFECTS. Alpha Lipoic Acid may even control blood sugar and cholesterol while working on the neuropathy which certainly beats the blood sugar spikes caused by addictive Gabapentin. At 65, I do a lot of yoga and walk at least 2 miles per day for osteoporosis. Joining the Y is always a good plan too.

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Replies to "I have polyneuropathy causing very tight calves which motivated me to do the research to feel..."

Welcome @led1958, Thanks for sharing what has helped you. Neuropathy does seem to be a never ending search for treatments to find out what will help your specific symptoms. The biggest downer is that a lot of what helps one person may or may not help someone else with the same or similar neuropathy diagnosis. I'm fortunate to not have pain with my neuropathy that I've had for going on 30 years but the numbness and balance issues is a problem for me still. I did at one time try most every essential oil tonics known to help neuropathy with little or no effect on my neuropathy. If you haven't already seen the comprehensive list of treatments on the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy's website it's worth a look - https://www.foundationforpn.org/treatments/.

Is your polyneuropathy diagnosis idiopathic or were they able to find a cause?