Just pop in whenever you'd like... we do them twice weekly as follows:
Wednesdays, 6pm Eastern
Sundays, 9am Eastern
ID - 455 028 4795
Passcode - tuiBE5
No official format, we just go around the room, concentrating on the newbies, or those in need. We keep it light, have fun, but get down to business when needed. We're made up of 5 to 7 unofficial counselors like myself. Some are stage 4's, given months to live many many years ago. Some are stage 1, straight to surgery folks, and between all of us, we've done every chemo, radiation, surgery, and immunotherapy, known to man. And we have patients and caregivers drop in from all over the world... so we've also seen how things are done elsewhere, in many NHS countries. We know insurance, SSDI, and all the many tests, procedures, side effects we all go thru. After doing these calls since May 2021, I realize that we know far more than most of our doctors. Mainly because we're not specialists like our oncologists, radiation oncologists, thoracic surgeons, GI doctors, pathologists, radiologists, etc. We know and have gathered so much from ALL of these doctors along the way... and we see things from our patient's perspective. And yet we are careful... we understand we are not doctors... but we only tell the truth. We're not here to simply comfort others, give them faith or hope (although this almost always happens). It serves no one to bs others... just solid counseling. We talk openly and descriptively... nothing out of bounds.
Be well...
Thank you!