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Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Mar 16 11:12am | Replies (7172)

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@fourof5zs Thank you for the info. I am not planning on repeated cortisone shots. I know how painful they were in my knew and the foot and hand are bad. I may allow the predisone as I hear it is not bad and does help. He gave me the med pack which is predisone steroid and that helped sooo much but can't do that often. I also have neuropathy and am referred to physical therapy. I haven't started because I wanted to hear what the podiatrist had to say on Wednesday. I love water therapy. I am so tired of pain, swelling, cramps, crying, depression. Al on here know all about it. My sister suggested a cream for neuropathy pain and swelling and I ordered off of Amazon. It is Topricin. She says it works. It just arrived and I am going to try it. Has anyone used this cream? I will let you know how it works for me.

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Replies to "@fourof5zs Thank you for the info. I am not planning on repeated cortisone shots. I know..."

Water was the best therapy, so I would go to the lake when ever I could with my daughters. The only thing that I have noticed that is even a little bit noticeable is my food intake. No processed foods and sugar intake has to be extremely limited. If I could be in bed 24/7 that would help a lot but that’s not being realistic.

Let me know if the cream works for you. Just the aspercreme type cream helps,, but does not totally get rid of the pain. I guess mine would be considered neuropathy... burning, stinging.. sometimes what I call biting; a very sharp pain. It is weird to have pain and numbness all in the same area. I have to wear shoes or at least socks to help protect my feet. My right foot is the foot with the neuroma. My left foot I broke my little toe right at the joint a couple of years ago.. so arthritis there. I tripped and fell last September and I broke the toe again... now pain down the side of my foot. I have not made it back to the podiatrist to see what other damage I did.

My 91 year old mom lives with us.. It is very hard to take care of her. We tried a nursing home a couple of months ago and that just did not work for any of us. They did not take care of her well at all.. just basically sat her in her wheelchair and ignored her as much as possible... even when we were with her.. my husband and I had to do the taking care of her there. So rather do that at home. She is having a lot of burning pain in both her feet at night. The cream helps some, but she needs something better. Very difficult to get her in and out of our car. .. harder each time. The transport services are very expensive. I think I am going to have to make her a doctor appointment.. her pain in general is getting worse. She cannot take Lyrica nor Neurotin. She is on Butran pain patches. She has Type 2 Mobitz... slow heart rate... and other health conditions. I think some type of cream is going to have to be the answer. .. I just do not know which one.