Early stages of breast cancer diagnosis

Posted by cnmomoe @cnmomoe, Dec 4, 2023

Hi I had a mammogram done in September. They found something and scheduled me for another mammogram and ultrasound on October 18. Found a lump very small like a pea size. October 26th got a biopsy done. November 1st found out it was cancer. Thank to my husband and kids the same day and decided to do a lumpectomy. Scheduled my surgery to place a marker on November 16th and November 17th was my surgery. My doctor removed the lump and 3 lymph nodes. November 22nd follow up appointment to get results of my lymph nodes and talk to her about how the surgery went. Awesome news she got it all out and lymph nodes were negative. I’m taking it a day at a time. Thank you for letting me share. It was a very scary couple of months.

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Having clean margins helps to ensure that all the cancer has been removed.

I was diagnosed at 60 and now five years later I’m doing very well with no recurrence. ♥️

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Did you have clean margi?


Yes, I had a lumpectomy with clean margins.


Yes I have 23 days of treatment starting 12/11/23 till 1/12/24. Ty for asking.

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I have 23 sessions of radiation. I started on 12/11 to 1/12. I’m doing good so far.


Saw my radio oncologist this week he would like to do 16 treatments . I'm not sure I can do it. I've told both my oncologists that I would let them know in six months. I have an appointment on June 17th. I'm putting my life in God's hands until then. You all may think I'm crazy but I witnessed what chemo and radiation did to my mother and I just cannot get past it. I have had 65 wonderful years on this earth and plan to be here a while longer.


That is good to hear you are 9 years out! I am 53 and dg with Stage 0, 0 lymph nodes, clear margins, grade 2, .6cm tumor. Did 5 rounds of radiation. Not taking Tamoxifen. My decision. Praying! Feel at Peace with decision. Change diet, seeing a Functional Doctor (red light, Vit C, supplements, massage, exersize) Decrease stress. Started menopause but not fully in menopause. Symptoms but feeling ok and hoping all that all that I am doing is enough. Went to 6 month follow up and Dr. Seemed ok with it all. Said he didnt know much about functional treatments. 😌

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Can you elaborate on what functional treatment is? I gave stage 0 dcis in situ. It's in milk ducts had surgery Dec 15. Awaiting pathology results. I am 65 don't want to take tamoxifen either. Surgeon said I will have radiation 1 to 3 wks depending on pathology.


I had stage , grade 1, negative lymph node, but had second surgery because margine is not clean. Had radiation for 5 weeks and on Letrozole for 5-7 years. Is the ( not clean margine) mean that cancer still there or it will come back?i am 66 years old

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I had to have a second surgery due to unclear margins. I had a bilateral mastectomy. I had stage 1A, grade 2, lymph node negative. I too have wondered if that changed anything. I am 65 and on Letrozole.

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