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I want to remark on something you wrote: "European countries do a much better job of policing what foods are consumed by their citizens. Not sure how this can be fixed."

In the US it won't be, or at least not any time soon, bc our national myths are centered around independence and self-reliance rather than on any idea of the common good. Even the word that you used (policing, which I have zero problem with) is, as you know, anathema to much of this country. (Many Americans wouldn't wear masks to protect others; they're not going to elect pols who will pass EU-style regulations on what we consume.)

I prefer the EU style, but a different approach is needed here -- and I have no idea what it might consist of, because we also have a very free info-dispersal system that shares a lot of mis- and disinformation, which means that a lot of people don't get the accurate info they need about healthful habits.

And, there's the poverty + poor diet connection -- too big a topic to tackle here.

One PS about risk factors: I ate very little red meat from my mid-20s thru 40 and then virtually none, had about 4-6 alcoholic drinks per year, didn't take illegal drugs, and basically didn't smoke (smoked < 30 alternative cigs per year from about 16-31 -- clove, Honeyrose, etc.). But here I am ... Meanwhile, one of my besties, who was a college housemate for two years, drank a ton of sugary Coke -- but no cancer of any kind. His nephew, who grew up with healthful habits, had childhood leukemia. A crap shoot.

PS: From https://health.clevelandclinic.org/pancreatic-cancer-its-on-the-rise-but-theres-reason-to-be-hopeful
"While physicians and researchers don’t fully understand why there’s an uptick in pancreatic cancer rates, they have some theories involving the following factors:
-- Rise in obesity ...
-- High sugar levels ...
-- Rise in pancreas disease ... "

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Replies to "I want to remark on something you wrote: "European countries do a much better job of..."

Thank you for all that! Yes all very true. We here in the US of A have this crazy idea that corporate America can do mostly whatever they want even if it’s blatantly killing people. That corporate America as a separate entity is basically protected thus they shove at us whatever they want knowing we are trusting and misinformed about many products. If they get caught they file bankruptcy and start up again new name. California is trying to get it right as the EU is trying. Then if groups push to fix things it gets flipped into a political issue which it is NOT it’s a humanity issue. And yes there is the class issue which I thought about but like you said too much to get into. We need more scholars to step up and keep it a humanity issue.
So you are an anomaly really. Yours is not hereditary? And yes I know some big drinkers and smokers who seem to be fine now although a friend who is a big, big drinker and smoker was just diagnosed with colorectal cancer stage 3.
She just went through chemo had her tumor removed and is still drinking :(.
I am oversimplifying all of this I know. Ugh an article just came out Washington Post about chestnut trees and a group trying to genetically engineer a version resistant to the fungus killing them. They just discovered they were adding the fungus resistant genes to the wrong tree genome which was why some of the trees were shorter than normal had curly leaves etc. someone switched the labels they say years ago. They’ve been working for 10 yrs on this. Genes are so complex and mutations occur from various environmental factors also affected by heredity
maybe that’s why researchers just try to perfect a cure instead of diving into prevention it’s just a big rabbit hole. Thanks for replying so many interesting perspectives everyone has. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!