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Do you have PMR or Seronegative RA?

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | Last Active: Dec 30, 2023 | Replies (9)

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@pb50, @johnbishop, @slward1951 and all...God bless you! What a long, convoluted, painful debilitating journey through many levels of medical competency. I suppose, welcome to the world of autoimmune diseases. I consider us a very special family of strong survivors.

I'm so sorry for your years of struggles. It's so frustrating and challenging to get to those who are capable of finding answers, and then understanding our treatment and life needs. I'm so pleased for you to find the good help at last. I've had similar struggles, but now with my wonderful Mayo team and my excellent primary doctor, I finally have a stable healthcare life. It took decades, immense frustration, and fighting for survival!

I think it's important for us all to recognize this is a lifelong challenge and we must all take control of our care, proactively. That and the acceptance of my life with challenges are the most healing components of this journey. That was/is my responsibility I take it very seriously.

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to you all! I foresee 1924 as a turning point for many of us. My life is surely improving even as I continue to walk through deep swamps and setbacks, thanks to Mayo Connect, Mayo Clinic, and hard work!

Blessings, Elizabeth

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Replies to "@pb50, @johnbishop, @slward1951 and all...God bless you! What a long, convoluted, painful debilitating journey through many..."

Very well stated and all so true. People including doctors have said you look pretty good ( compared to your chart)! I’ve had 12 surgeries in my 72 years. My 91 year old Mom just had her first- hip replacement! I have every piece of medical equipment needed😂 I also know all the questions, research, tricks, and do and don’ts of surgeries/hospitals.
At least I’m a Pro at something!