← Return to Advice! Civemeline only works once a day. Pilocarpine not work

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Hello @cblue, Sorry you didn't get any responses in your other discussion - Cevilemine worries again: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/cevilemine-worries-again/. I did a search of Connect for Pilocarpine and found that there have been 44 comments on the drug. Here is the search results link if you want to read through the comments to see if any help - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/comments/?search=Pilocarpine.

Mayo Clinic has some treatment information along with some lifestyle and home remedies that might be helpful if you haven't already tried them - https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dry-mouth/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20356052.

I was diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) at Mayo Rochester's rheumatology. If you would like to seek help at Mayo here is a link with the contact information - http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63.

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Replies to "Hello @cblue, Sorry you didn't get any responses in your other discussion - Cevilemine worries again:..."

Thanks for all this. I’ll look it over and see what my options are - if any. I did find what seems to be an abstract of the pharma company’s application for civelimine . It looks like in the first trial 76 percent of participants in treatment group had improved in saliva ( & self reported scores on dry mouth). Whatever I found didn’t list percentages in phase 2& 3. Anyway, I know there is no other med available; but in a multi disciplinary treatment facility like Mayo they may be able to figure out why I
Respond only once a day. It’s working in the sense I get the sweating, but no measurable saliva . Thanks so much for the info.