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Dr Keith McCormick has two books that cover all of these issues- Great Bones and The Whole Body Approach to Osteoporosis.
He has a few videos on YouTube, also. One if them addresses the drug issue pretty succinctly.
He has a website that is informative and you can have a consultation with him. I have not done that.
A few years ago, I did have a consultation with Dr Lani Simpson who is in Berkeley. That was helpful. She also has two books out and a very good website.
I would start with them. I believe that would educate you as much as anything can. It is so complicated. 😳
I have had my 7th Evenity injections and no problems. Both my endocrinologist and my rheumatologist say Fosamax next, but I am going to ask for Reclast. My friend is doing very well on Reclast and after it, you have a break. Break as in vacation. 🙂

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Replies to "plav, Dr Keith McCormick has two books that cover all of these issues- Great Bones and..."

With scores like that I sincerely and respectfully hope you will consider meds. Both Keith McCormick and Lani Simpson have done meds, by the way. I am quite sure if you did a consultation with McCormick, author of "The Whole Body Approach to Osteoporosis" and the recent "Great Bones", he would tell you to go on a bone builder.

I chose Tymlos because the dose is adjustable and I could ramp up. I had excellent gains even though I never reached a full dose. Now I am doing Evenity (nxt week).

Many docs are recommending Evenity these days because it is so potent for bone growth. I am not worried about the black box warning even though I have heart issues. The study comparing cardiovascular risk between Evenity and placebo showed no difference. There was a slight difference versus those on alendronate (Fosamax) but it is possible that is because Fosamax is slightly protective.

I have several fracures because of cancer treatment affecting bones and COVID delaying Tymlos. I would endure quite a few side effects to avoid any more pain and disability, but I found a way to make Tymlos tolerable.

Was Evenity your first drug?

My husband was just recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. Lumbar T-score -3.4. His rheumatologist wants to put him on Fosamax. We’re concerned about side effects. I asked her about Evenity and she said she’s not heard of it and that for her patients with osteoporosis from high dose prednisone she prescribes Fosamax for 5 years and then possibly another 5.