My rare, aggressive cancer (lung sarcoma) is back. Now what?

Posted by scs23 @scs23, Dec 18, 2023

I was diagnosed with synovial spindle cell sarcoma in my left lung in January of this year. The tumor was already 10cm when we found it. I had surgery in February to remove it, and a second surgery in March to remove it again, as it had grown back to 9cm in six weeks. I started chemo and radiation within days of my second surgery and have since finished treatments. Scans from a couple months ago were unimpressive. I just had a ct scan last week and its now showing 2 masses, one is a little smaller but the other is already quite large. I'm worried because it grows so fast. Im not sure what the next treatment will be yet, but something needs to happen soon. My body has been through so much this past year. I'm dreading the side effects I might get from whatever treatment is. I still have lingering side effects from the first round of treatment. And I hope I don't need another surgery, I'm still in pain from the first two surgeries. The doctors tell me that this type of cancer is very rare. Especially since I’m otherwise a very healthy 42yr old woman.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Sarcoma Support Group.

I so sorry for your news. I’m still learning about these decisions, but when you say it grew back after the first removal, did they not consider a lobectomy at that time? I’m not suggesting they should have because what do I know - but I had a lobectomy of left Lower lobe for a 1.5cm tumor.


Hi Pam @pb50 During the first surgery, they took most of my upper left lobe. The tumor was somehow growing into my chest wall too though, so they weren't able to get all of it. Now the tumors seem to be growing in the fluid between my lung and plura. I do wonder about taking the whole lung but that hasn't been discussed.


Ah. Well that has to be challenging. I guess taking the whole lung wouldn’t solve for the part in the pleural space. So perhaps they are balancing gain against worsening your recovery condition.


I am so sorry this is happening. I know when my rare cancer returned it felt so disheartening. Like I was caught up in a nightmare that wouldn't stop. What did I do? For me, my faith was a great help. I also had the blessing of learning that anything I put all of my energy into could become an " idol" so to speak in my life. Make cancer an idol?!? Something that controlled everything?? No!
That was a choice i could try to control. So I worked hard to try and balance my focus... to live my life as much as I could despite the challenges. To focus on positives like my family and children.
I controlled some of the anxiety I had with writing out my questions in a notebook for my doctors. Someone told me to journal but frankly I was too tired , weak and dealing with pain to write much. So I did a "one word" journal. I took a few moments to reflect and acknowledge how I was feeling at that exact moment and then give myself the grace and permission to say it was okay to write it out in one word. " Dark" was a frequent word, " lost" and "drowning" were others . Ive not shared those thoughts before , i guess there was some shame looking back. But I understand now that Those are normal feelings for someone going through what trauma cancer brings.
Then I determined ( again a choice I controlled) , to keep positive thoughts before me, because I was simply too lost and weary to think of them myself ... and we were poor... so I took a calendar that had encouraging pictures and sayings on them and taped them up where I could see them... I put uplifting scriptures on my bathroom mirror and across from my bed, used an cup with uplifting focus for my drinks etc.. Simple things like that helped me navigate those difficult times. I am praying for you . May you find things that help you cope as you are healed. Hugs !


My heart goes out to you, I truly feel your pain and anxiety and you are not alone, there are many of us going through the same nightmare…I know that you feel alone because when you’re not doing well at this time you want to withdraw from everyone and all the questions that you can’t always answer because you’re still working through this stuff with your doctor and with yourself. I’m also a lung cancer survivor, one upper left lobe and later a section was removed from the lower right lobe. I have done everything that I can do to help myself with this frightening stage of my life and it’s going slowly but I have felt a great deal of comfort and support from the people here on connect and I’m very happy I decided to join. I sincerely hope you will have an easy journey with minimal stress and discomfort, also please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, stay positive and don’t give up the fight.


My heart goes out to you, I truly feel your pain and anxiety and you are not alone, there are many of us going through the same nightmare…I know that you feel alone because when you’re not doing well at this time you want to withdraw from everyone and all the questions that you can’t always answer because you’re still working through this stuff with your doctor and with yourself. I’m also a lung cancer survivor, one upper left lobe and later a section was removed from the lower right lobe. I have done everything that I can do to help myself with this frightening stage of my life and it’s going slowly but I have felt a great deal of comfort and support from the people here on connect and I’m very happy I decided to join. I sincerely hope you will have an easy journey with minimal stress and discomfort, also please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, stay positive and don’t give up the fight.

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Thank you. It is comforting knowing that I'm not alone in all this. I still think sometimes, "why me?", "What did I do to deserve this?" I thought I had this almost beat, I thought I was on the up and up healing and recovering. It was so disheartening finding out that it's back and already grown so large. My husband has been so wonderful and supportive through all this, and I'm so thankful. I know this situation is not easy for him either. We're both worried and scared. I'm having a pet scan tomorrow, and then my doctors will decide what treatment is best at this point. I just hope some kind of treatment starts soon.


I know that the waiting for them to get started is a tough time…they often get together with other colleagues who help them make decisions as to the best way to do things, first thing is all the tests and then after much deliberation with other doctors they will give you all the information you need. A good partner in your life is the best thing you can ever have when dealing with your health and of course supportive family and friends if you have them to turn to for support.

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