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Low WBC and MCTD

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Dec 18, 2023 | Replies (19)

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Never have I ever. May I ask where you live? I would want to get myself to a premier teaching hospital.

I have RA for the past 12 years and know a fair amount about typical blood values they are interested in and try to manage.

The entire point of the biologics we take is to dial down the immune response so in the absence of legitimate targets like infection, it doesn’t turn on illegitimate targets like my joints. It seems to my semi-educated perspective, you have the antithesis of that scenario. Your immune system isn’t going to attack your joints - doesn’t it appear Comotose based on lab work? And yet X-Rays suggest active disease in your hands.

I’m very confused. But I’m not the one who needs to understand. Do you feel like you have your head around it?

Maybe someone here has encountered this scenario but my instincts say this is a rare enough scenario you might want to be managed somewhere they are more likely to encounter it in the wild instead of in a write-up someone else did.

Sending good JuJu your way!

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Replies to "Wow Never have I ever. May I ask where you live? I would want to get..."

Wow from me, too.

I would repeat everything that pb50pam wrote. (Good job, Pam.)

It IS hard to have an "invisible" disease.

And more good JuJu your way from me, too.

Thank you for your support and input.
I live in St Petersburg, FL. Do I have my head wrapped around it “Absolutely Not”
I was told it’s MCTD, because I symptoms of different diseases, so it could be more than Lupus and RA & Psoriatic. I did have a second bone marrow biopsy in June of 2022, after I got really sick and ended up in hospital with only severe headache and fever (scared to death) treated for a UTI that had gone septic (no symptoms whatsoever of a UTI) turned into a kidney infection and e.coli.
My Hematologist reached to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville in 2021 but they were not excepting new patients for this type of research for my issues.
I still work full time and sleep and right shoulder have become my enemy.
Any input is welcome!