Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI)

Posted by mpeters @mpeters, Feb 19, 2018

I have had four uti’s in the last eight months. Of those eight, I had three in three months. I’m wondering if I should see a specialist. I like my primary care provider but he is very busy. Also, if you know of anything I can be doing until my next appointment with my primary care provider, which is three months away.

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I recently had a UTI and another one 1 year ago. This one I went through 3 different antibiotics before it finally went away. I would never take Cepro as it has known bad side effects and has a FDA warning. But no gone and still have cramping in my loser abdomen and groin. Have a gyno appointment coming up but wondering now if this isn't bladder? I did take pro biotics while on antibiotics and still take them to counter act antibiotics which can cause SIBO and other digestive problems. Any ideas what cramping is from I am 71 so not menopausal !


I recently had a UTI and another one 1 year ago. This one I went through 3 different antibiotics before it finally went away. I would never take Cepro as it has known bad side effects and has a FDA warning. But no gone and still have cramping in my loser abdomen and groin. Have a gyno appointment coming up but wondering now if this isn't bladder? I did take pro biotics while on antibiotics and still take them to counter act antibiotics which can cause SIBO and other digestive problems. Any ideas what cramping is from I am 71 so not menopausal !

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Have you had a cystoscopy done by a urologist to rule out a bladder problem? I was on antibiotics on & off for months in 2019 until my urologist diagnosed me with interstitial cystitis and started me on methenamine and D-Mannose daily. It's good you have a gyno appointment coming up. Might be good to cover both areas to see what might be going on. I hope you get some relief!


I have had that Cystitis in the past but this is different. Cystitis was pain when urinating and a little blood this pain is lower abdominal pain on right and left side that throbs. It comes and goes but after rechecking UTI it is negative. With Cystitis I always tested negative for bladder infections. Had the test done to determine it was interstitial cystitis but haven't really had that for awhile. I also had a fever with the UTI and not with cystitis! I have no pain when urinating.


BTW to my first post, it is now gone and lower abdomen not loser!! I should proof read before posting !!!!


I apologize it's Cipro that is the bad antibiotic!


I also use Hiprex - the methenamine mandelate form. I take one tablet 2 X daily along with 500 mg of Vitamin C and one cranberry tablet. I also drink approximately 2 quarts of water daily. Thank God, it has been working.


Hi everyone, I am 81 years old. I have been a double amputee for over 10 years. In the last year I have had 5 uti's. I was wondering if sitting(I don't use prosthetics)all the time can cause uti's. Although I have been sitting all the time for years, the problem has started last year. I don't want to keep taking antibiotics. I am going to see a. urologist but I just wanted to know if anyone has heard of my situation. Thank you


Hi everyone, I am 81 years old. I have been a double amputee for over 10 years. In the last year I have had 5 uti's. I was wondering if sitting(I don't use prosthetics)all the time can cause uti's. Although I have been sitting all the time for years, the problem has started last year. I don't want to keep taking antibiotics. I am going to see a. urologist but I just wanted to know if anyone has heard of my situation. Thank you

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I’m 81 also and had constant bladder(genetic) UTI’s until I, and my aunts and uncles, started taking cranberry vitamin every day. NO UTI’s! Have no idea if yours has anything to do with sitting, but you sure have enough on your plate and do not need even one more UTI for any reason! You can get cranberry vitamin OTC at any regular place like Walmarts/ Target/ pharmacies. All the best getting back to health!


Don't wait find the closest Urology Dr's and they can find the root of your problem.

I hesitated to go until my 3rd UTI in a 6 month period of time.

They found bladder cancer And are treating me for that.
They didn't find any other cancers.
As men get older could be prostate, bladder problems, or cancer that has spread into the kidneys etc..

Best not to wait, do the right thing. Catch it now because it might get a lot worse.


Yes I was getting them also. My Urologist has me on a maintenance low does antibiotic. It working really well.

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