How long to wait to to have a screening colonoscopy after cdiff?

Posted by jmue @jmue, Dec 13, 2023

I had cdiff a month ago. Had been on steroids and gabapentin for 5 months for eye issue and then several months later ended up with Covid then throat abcess back in January. Stomach didn’t feel right, could not tolerate dairy, some bouts of diarrhea for months but primary didn’t test for cdiff. Just put me on Pepcid. Anyway once I got blood tinged mucus in stool, went to gi and they checked stool and cdiff it was. Stools better after several days into Vanco. Except I still stay away from dairy and sugar. Tried a fish and chips dinner last week ended up with nausea. I am taking Florastor and Biogaia probiotic and diary free yogurt daily. Bland diet. Still down 4 pounds and I’m over due for my screening colonoscopy. Last several in 30’s and 40’s were fine. Now 59. Questions:
1. any tips for diet as nausea seems to come back with any food that is not bland and clean?
2. When is it safe to get colonoscopy after cdiff? I suspect gi may want to do endoscopy as well due to persistent sensitive stomach. I do suspect my stomach was it’s trashed after the 5 months of steroid for eye and then more steroid and heavy antibiotics with throat abscess (that was in hospital early this year). My immune system just seems to have gotten a double hit there. Prior to these issues, I was never sick and ante everything without a problem. Thank you!

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Have you retested stool to confirm you’ve cleared c-diff?


I was told you don’t retest since you will always have colonized cdiff after an infection?

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