← Return to DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis) or Forestier's

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Hello All,

Just got diagnosed with DISH, which surprises me since I have had many spine xrays and Psoriatic Arthritis since my early 20's. Now , at 69, I had an electro cardioversion for my Afib and it threw my lumbar out...Now it appears I may have an answer for it but waiting on lumber series to rule out a compression fracture. Jeez!

I have been told many things over many years by many specialists and have learned to research and separate the bull from the real, lol.

I got put on disability at age 52, due to pain/joint issues , etc. so bad I couldn't work anymore. I was told at 28 I would need new knees due to progressive damage and given many of the drugs we all take for autoimmune arthritis diseases. They slow things down but biologics came along too late for me. I was in my 40's when they tried 3 different ones with little effect. I'm use to pain, limited mobilty, etc. and after both my knees and rt hip being replaced, failed rotator cuff repair, microdisc lumbar surgery and years of steroids/ cortisone/etc. here I am now being told I have DISH! Wonderful! Explains the reduced mobility in some of my toes, wrists, neck, etc.
What concerns me most is I have several upcoming procedures for my Afib and worried about my neck flexion and back during transfers and breathing tubes! Now, I have to share this will all my specialists to be sure I don't end up with fractured cervical vertebrae.... Add that to my list of woes, lol.

Anyway, I'm grateful that my back went out and hoping my xrays don't show a fracture for now and some PT and exercises will loosen my lower back and help the pain. Bur if I didn't know this, I might have had more complications down the road with procedures that requite me to be sedated!

I also have ran high calciums for years and have something called FHH, which is a rare genetic disorder that keeps my calcium blood levels high because my parathyroid doesn't register the calcium levels in my blood properly. I wonder it that is why I have calcium salt deposits causing the DISH? Who knows???

Signing off for now and will keep up with you all on this site now. Take care and good luck to us all!
Quickdraw MeGraw

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Replies to "Hello All, Just got diagnosed with DISH, which surprises me since I have had many spine..."

QuickDraw. Wow. You’re one of those cases in which you find out many many years into your disease that you have it. You’re right it’s hard to believe that you’ve gotten this far without having been diagnosed but now you can put a name to it. As I have told others, I have read from many different sites. I tried to pick very fact or study based sites. But sometimes I do read what others are going through because no matter what studies are there. Sometimes you just need to hear from other people who have it and are feeling the pain day and day out. Not but you want others to feel the pain, but you kind of feel vindicated when you’ve had some physicians who don’t believe that this is that painful.

Stay strong and keep reading from others on this site and what they have gone through and are going through.🙏