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Breast Pain/Swelling

Breast Cancer | Last Active: Dec 16, 2023 | Replies (25)

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So thankful everything is okay for you. I too have swelling, pain, redness after a month. Occasional pain in the breast bone.
Mine all started when I felt a large lump at the end of summer, which I was unsure as it felt part of my chest wall. My Mom died from Breast Cancer at 63 and our daughter was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer at 25 years old. I was scheduled for a Mammogram shortly after, and nothing showed up. I told the technician to feel and she confirmed it was a lump. Immediately, they scheduled an Ultrasound and the doctor said it looked like a small lump, a few mm's. I said that's weird because I am feeling something a lot larger. He scheduled me for an urgent biopsy. The doctor told me he was seeing a lump more like 1" in size and 2 lymph nodes looked suspicious. I said (2nd time) that's weird because I feel something a lot larger. The doctor asked me to show him the size with my fingers which I did about 2 1/2". Nothing was said. The pathologist's report came back and confirmed it was cancer. The Oncologist surgeon said that she recommended a lumpectomy rather than a mastectomy so that I could keep the "girls" and that it was a slow-moving cancer. I had the surgery about a month ago and just met with the surgeon. It turns out, they removed 29lymph nodes and a lump that was 3 1/2". and they were unable to get clear margins. I asked the doctor how it could be 3 1/2" and spread to 2 lymph nodes if it was slow moving. She said we think you have had it for 5-6 years. I was in such shock, the doctor said they would like to do a mastecomy asap and left, I just couldn't even think of what to ask next. When I got into the car, I had a major anxiety attack. I went from "a walk in the park" to the possibility (I am thinking) of a double mastectomy. I called the nurse with my questions, and she apologized and said that surgery had been postponed, and they would like me to meet with the oncologist to discuss treatment first.
My questions now are how deep was the lump, is the chest wall infected, and what the possibilities are that the cancer can travel to other breast and organs. Never once was I offered an MRI. So many thoughts are going through my brain right now. Am I on the right track? I am a realist - I want to know everything upfront so that I can make informed decisions and not be blindsided.

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Replies to "So thankful everything is okay for you. I too have swelling, pain, redness after a month...."

When I was reading your story, it is similar to mine where no one could see the lump on imaging but I could show it to them because mine was anchored to the chest wall. I was also thinking the whole time I was reading, like Laurie @roch this poor woman needs to get to a comprehensive cancer center for a second opinion. Something I very much wish I had done.
Are you able to get to a large cancer center or maybe a teaching medical university for a second opinion? More importantly how are you feeling now that you are a few days out from the initial shock?