When I drink Pepsi sometimes I feel nauseous

Posted by samynabeel @samynabeel, Dec 8, 2023

When I drink Pepsi sometimes I feel nauseous is it because I have IBS-C or because I am taking escitalopram ?

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I don’t want to come off as being cruel but please stop drinking Pepsi. Sodas are one of the worst things to consume if you have gut issues of any kind. Nothing in them is good for you.


Pepsi is all chemicals. No wonder you are nausaus. If you have to drink soda, drink ginger ale.


Whenever I'm having stomach trouble I drink some Sprite. No dark sodas.


I have nausea if I drink red wine and my daughter does also.


Have you considered replacing soda with plain water, or lightly carbonated, unsweetened water flavored only with fruit essences or fruit juices? If your body is already unhappy, adding concentrated sugar and a number of ingredients like artificial flavor or colors is probably not helpful.
If you want to "fit in" when out with friends, maybe you could ask for water (still or with gas) with lemon or lime?


Have you considered replacing soda with plain water, or lightly carbonated, unsweetened water flavored only with fruit essences or fruit juices? If your body is already unhappy, adding concentrated sugar and a number of ingredients like artificial flavor or colors is probably not helpful.
If you want to "fit in" when out with friends, maybe you could ask for water (still or with gas) with lemon or lime?

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The problem is Pepsi help me don't feel sleepy in the morning, that's the reason I drink it, maybe caffeine and sugar in it that stop my sleepiness because I am already taking escitalopram which one of its side effects is sleepiness.


Soda is one of the worst drinks you can put in your body. Carbonation is bad for the stomach.
Its also very acidic.


Anything with sugar makes me feel worse. I've started drinking ensure first thing in the morning. Seems to be helping.


I quit sodas 15 years ago but on rare occasion will have a bit of Seagrams ginger ale - the brand with a bit of real ginger in it.

Too many long established reasons to forego soda … just say no 🙂


Listen to your body. If you are getting nauseous it’s because it’s not good for you.
A couple years ago meat started to make me feel nauseated, I just stopped eating it.

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