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Yes, especially when driving and stopped at a traffic light I felt like I needed toothpicks to keep my heavy eyelids open. It was scary. I called it daytime sleepiness. I’f nod off anytime I sat down, even sitting straight up. When I told the nurse practitioner at my local Post Covid 19 Recovery Clinic, she asked if I’d ever had a sleep study, to which I responded, “No.”. I’d been told by my family that I snored quietly. So, I did an overnight sleep study. At 2:00 AM I awoke to use the bathroom. When I came back to the bed the sleep tech casually told me she was going to start me on OXYGEN. I asked her what my O2 had dropped to. She said 85%. I was diagnosed with Severe Sleep Apnea, and prescribed a Nasal Pillow CPAP machine in July. It is now my new best friend. No more heavy eyelids-daytime sleepiness, napping in the daytime.

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Forgot to mention I gained 60 pounds in 6 months post covid with no dietary changes. My Long Covid nurse practitioner has encouraged me not to worry about the weight gain right now. I’ve chosen to stay away from the scale as not to become depressed. I eat a healthy diet. I’d tried weight watchers which had always helped me lose in the past, with no change in weight. I started a gluten free diet a year ago to avoid anti inflammatory foods. I had hoped it would also bring weight loss but it hadn’t. I continue to eat gluten free because it has eliminated the bloating I was having post covid since July 2022. I’ve been gluten free for about a year now.

I saw a neurologist who recommended a sleep study. I have not followed through as of yet. However, I plan to soon. My husband says I've too been snoring. Thanks for your response