Tingling in. Arm and leg, what’s the best way to deal with this?

Posted by bmort43 @bmort43, Dec 1, 2023

My back problems cause tingling!

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Tingling in my arm and leg, what’s the remedy?


@bmort43 There could be many causes for tingling in arms and legs. Can you describe how this started for you and if you've had any diagnosis from a doctor? For example, I've had tingling that comes from nerve compressions, and there were several sources over the years from carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, and a problem with my spine causing spinal cord compression. I am a spine surgery patient. In order to diagnose something like these, there needs to be communication of lots of details about when and how and when you feel symptoms, does it ever change, etc? Have you had any diagnostic imaging?



Request basic images to see if there is an impingement going on. Then, get a referral to PT, which is the best place to start. Massage therapy may also help relieve the pain, but until things are back in place, the pain will remain. Check out ergonomics at work to make sure you are not overusing some muscles due to poor posture or not taking breaks. Carpal tunnel and neck/cervical pain are particularly caused by this.

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