Agree with hbp, Pet scan or what they call PSMA is a very specific test to determine the presence of cancer cells.
Medicare did cover mine. I also had a Decipher and bone scan. The Decipher is also expensive but is a genetic test on the biopsies taken to determine the risk of metastasizing outside of prostrate and give as low, intermediate or high.
Not sure if this helps seasuite. But right now the PSA test are still the gold standard or prostrate irritation levels and cancer. Just a not PSA levels can rise and not be an indicator of cancer.
If it funny at Mayo Clinic about 10 years ago they were dismissing the need to do PSA test on older men. Then it came back. What my PCP said was, "they saw increase in latter stage prostrate cancer diagnosis and started PSA testing recommendation again."
But then I read some treatment provides don't recommend testing for PSA after age 70. I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer when I was 75 as a result of PSA rising numbers, MRI, then biopsies. I think the PSA testing kept mine from moving from low risk (Decipher test differed from biopsy) to intermediate or higher risk of metastasizing. But every one is different and what I think was best for me may not be best for others.
You’re too forgiving. Stopping psa tests on me allowed it to rise silently to 985 and the cancer to metastasize to my bones. Incurable. Glad I’m in my 9th decade that something else will probably take me down first.