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Nice that I found you. I have been diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis and am at hi risk for Osteoporosis I also have disc disease. I am starting therapy to start the journey to gastric bypass surgery. Before I got sick I was much more active then i am at to the point that it was hard to do much at all. I am on a biological injectable medication and i take anti-inflammatory medication. I for the life of me cannot get pain meds which is horrible. My biggest concern is what I will have available to take for my pain after the surgery. I also will have to stop my injection about a month before surgery which will make me miserable. Just wondering if your surgery helped with your health issues and how to get them to listen to me regarding my pain

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Replies to "Hello Nice that I found you. I have been diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis and am at..."

Well, I have to say yes and no my surgery helped with my health issues. I mean, I feel better as far as being able to move, get around, etc. however, I have had a rough time with different issues since my gastric bypass. I have had 2 internal hernia surgeries in my small intestine, I had both knees replaced, both hips replaced (my right hip got infected, so I was in the hospital for over a month straight & had 7 surgeries - then I got a blood clot in my leg). Then I had shoulder replacement and then several years later, I fell a couple times and ended up pushing the rod into my shoulder blade and broke it into 3 pcs., and my Dr. said that he need to take it out before it went completely through my skin. So, I do not have very much movement in either arm because my surgeon wouldn't even do surgery on my left shoulder because it was too far gone, it was completely out of its socket permanently. I have had 2 kidney stone surgeries. I have had several of my surgeries where I have gotten infections or I have started bleeding after my surgery and had to be taken back into surgery. So, now I have 5-6 crushed disks in my neck and my neurosurgeon doesn't want to do surgery because he doesn't think the benefit would outweigh what I would go through with my surgery. I was bummed because I get really bad headaches all the time. I also have a lump in between my breasts and I got it when I had hernia surgery and then it got infected, so they told me I don't have a hernia. This lump I have is basically the same as a hernia except it is not through the skin, but it is just pushing against my skin. So, why is it that you are unable to get pain meds. I would have a fit if I could not get my pain meds. Anyway, I hope this helps some. If you want to write me back, I will be here and answer.

Hi Michelle, I'm not sure if you saw @shrinkerbell's helpful reply to you. Shrinkerbell, I think you get the prize for the most creative username. I love it.

Michelle, you may also be interested in these related discussions about ankylosing spondylitis

I had gastric bypass Oct 2021. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and had to hold my biologicals, prednisone and other meds three weeks before my surgery and four weeks after. Every surgical group has their own restrictions regarding the biologicals. Yes, I was miserable for the most part. I was provided hydrocodone post-op for 2 weeks. Prior to surgery and after the hydrocodone, the rheumatologist recommended tramadol 100mg three times a day, Tylenol Arthritis three times a day and the use of heating pads or ice packs to joint and topicals like Voltaren for short-term use. I staggered the tramadol and Tylenol Arthritis so I was taking something about every three hours or so. I responded best to the ice pack over the heating pads which is unusual. The surgery did help my pain in my knees, ankles and back. Thankfully, my rheumatologist and the weight loss surgeon actually consulted with each other to determine the best approach in managing my treatments and pains. If the doctor managing your biologicals and the weight loss surgeon haven’t consulted regarding managing your pain during this period, request that they do to address your pain management needs while you’re off your biologicals.