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Neuropathy | Last Active: Jun 13 6:09am | Replies (111)

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I’ve had neuropathy for 35 years now. It started on the bottom of my feet and slowly progressed up to just pass my waist. I no longer suffer the excruciating pain I once did. As my neuropathy worsened the pain decreased and changed to numbness. Although the numbness is irritating, it’s much better than the pain. However, the complications that come with it sometimes make me think I’d rather have the pain back. As a result of neuropathy, I have bladder, bowel and ED problems my doctors believe were caused by it. Hopefully it won’t it won’t afect my heart, respiration or muscle weakness any more than it already has.
Always have any new symptoms checked.
If those symptoms aren’t properly addressed, they can become permanent.
Hopefully yours has progressed as far as its going.
Take care,

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Replies to "jerryw I’ve had neuropathy for 35 years now. It started on the bottom of my feet..."

@jerryw I have been to a variety of neurologists during the past 8 years and a comment made to me by several was to exercise when you can. Johns Hopkins told me they are not 100% sure why but neurologists feel that exercising will, perhaps, slow down the progression of PN. I figured what do I have to lose so I do my best to walk 3 times a week. My progression has remained about the same for the past 2 years. And I don't mind losing a few pounds!

Hello Leonard. Thanks for reply. 35 years is a long time. Have you ever got a diagnose of how you got neuropathy? And is yours large nerves or small fiber neuropathy? Did yours ever burn? I have only had this 4 months. First just the bottom of my feet but already coming up to my knees. I myself had EMG on Wednesday and all nerves are working fine. They said no neuropathy. But this feels like it is right on my skin. I suppose that would be called Small Fiber Neuropathy. You take any medications or supplements? Sorry if that sounds nosey. I suppose I am new to this so the Anxiety of it is terrible. Just became a Grandpa 3 months ago. Now worried about what could happen to me. Thanks for your reply. God bless you.

Hi, Jakei... Gee, 35 years is a long time to deal with this disorder! I suppose you have had MRIs and tests done to rule out your back contributing to this? You said it perfectly... "the numbness is irritating." I totally agree! What kinds of supplements and/or treatments have you tried through the years? Best wishes! Mike