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Surgery for cording.

Breast Cancer | Last Active: Nov 30, 2023 | Replies (3)

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I did not know there was surgery for cording. I did have cording after my mastectomy and radiation. I was fortunate to have therapy early and long with a remarkable person. Following lots of stretching and massage she used cupping on the stubborn strands. That seemed to break up the cords. After about a year of PT, my range of motion is close to normal. Believe me, I have worked hard and will be doing the proscribed exercises daily for the rest of my life. Good luck to you and your team to rid you of pain.

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Replies to "I did not know there was surgery for cording. I did have cording after my mastectomy..."

Thanks for your information. I have already gone through massage and laser treatment for an axilla cord and still have one of those left. So, actually, I have 4 cords. I am sick of traveling 25 minutes to be worked on. I believe that this is all the result of the doctor using my old, thin, Medicaid body, for training, that day in July, with a 3 week new general surgeon, removing my 4 sentinal nodes.