Bioidentical hormones for osteoporosis

Posted by vkmov @vkmov, Nov 23, 2023

Has anyone had good or bad experiences taking bioidentical hormones for osteoporosis? I’ve used the lowest dose of transdermal hormones which helped but now have a higher risk and need to make a decision about Forteo or finding a bioidentical hormone specialist who will increase the dose. I’m 74.

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I had been diagnosed with Osteopenia a few years ago but my Dex’s scans have been in a normal range not indicating that I had a need for mor intervention.
July 29th my husband and I had Covid and was put on Paxlovid.
10 days later, after testing negative twice, I got a severe pain-cramp in my right buttocks. Then to my left then to my pubic area and my sacrum and then pelvis. X-rays showed non-displaced fxs. In four areas.
The pain got so bad that I couldn’t walk very far or stand for more than 15minutes. Because it came on so quickly without any trauma I was seen by my Dr. Nurse practitioner, sent to Ortho, sent to a neurologist and then Reumotology and diagnosed with Osteoporosis. I wasn’t sure of that diagnosis because it came on so quickly without trauma of any kind. And for so many fractures to occur at once.
Went to Mayo for second opinion and was diagnosed with Osteoporosis and recommended Evenity as treatment. I was just approved👏👏👏 and will have my first treatment November 30th.
Meanwhile I’m in lots of pain so will be going to a pain clinic too.
How long can I expect to get relief from the pain after being on Evenity? I’m seriously at my wits end dealing with the pain.


i think you will endure pain until the healing process is well underway. usually 12 wks for bones to heal so after 6 wks you should feel some relief i broke a bone in my pelvis and it took 12 wks to heal but i was in the hospital and rehab and i was up walking everyday and still found it hard walking after he healing. it was like lerning to wlk all over again


I’m taking the lowest dose of patch Estrodial. Am afraid to try anything but estrogen. I’m 80 yrs old. The other choices I don’t trust. I exercise and have pt. I know none of the above build bones, but won’t take the risk with others.


I’m taking the lowest dose of patch Estrodial. Am afraid to try anything but estrogen. I’m 80 yrs old. The other choices I don’t trust. I exercise and have pt. I know none of the above build bones, but won’t take the risk with others.

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My endocrinologist wouldn't even consider Estrogen and put me on Tymlos. I can only tolerate 20 mcg, one quarter dose. It seems like Estrogen is a more natural choice. Both have the potential to lead to cancer, so why not choose what's natural?


i think you will endure pain until the healing process is well underway. usually 12 wks for bones to heal so after 6 wks you should feel some relief i broke a bone in my pelvis and it took 12 wks to heal but i was in the hospital and rehab and i was up walking everyday and still found it hard walking after he healing. it was like lerning to wlk all over again

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I agree. And if it is transdermal, that’s unlikely.


My endocrinologist wouldn't even consider Estrogen and put me on Tymlos. I can only tolerate 20 mcg, one quarter dose. It seems like Estrogen is a more natural choice. Both have the potential to lead to cancer, so why not choose what's natural?

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My doctor would prescribe it either. So I went to a doc that prescribed it. Hang in there!


I'm wondering if anyone is taking HRTs while on bone building or anti-resorpative drugs.


I'm wondering if anyone is taking HRTs while on bone building or anti-resorpative drugs.

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I started BHRT with biote . I am also on Evenity . This is a bioidentical hormone replacement. This treatment is a pellet that is placed under your skin in the upper buttocks. It releases slowly and is given every 3-4 months .


Are any of you taking BHRT 10 years post menopause? My provider said she would have to boost the dose so slowly to avoid heart problems because I am 10 years out of menopause that it isn't a good option, would take way too long.


Are any of you taking BHRT 10 years post menopause? My provider said she would have to boost the dose so slowly to avoid heart problems because I am 10 years out of menopause that it isn't a good option, would take way too long.

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My doctor won’t even consider it as I’m 17 years post menopausal. I did find a doctor who will prescribe it but she said I’m at an increased risk of a blood clot that could kill me, especially in the first year. She wasn’t able to tell me how much of an increased risk though. Does anyone know?

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