Has anyone been helped by Fosamax?

Posted by jasperina @jasperina, Nov 10, 2023

I am newly diagnosed with osteoporosis and my provider is recommending Fosamax.
I am 67, and have good lifestyle habits. Recently I started weight lifting 3x per week.
I see a lot of negative stories about this medication but I would like to know if anyone had good results on it.

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After the first injections I experienced some heat around the sites, a bit of soreness that lasted about an hour and what I would call an awareness of the drug moving through my body. Nothing since. Time will tell I guess. It all feels like a crap shoot. I am okay with it though. I hope it goes well for you.

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I am not classifying those experiences as side effects


@jasperina. I took Fosamax for 4.5 years and increased bone density. I went from osteoporosis to the osteopenia range. Prior to going on Fosamax I did everything I could to increase bone density including weightlifting, walking, X-country skiing, getting a minimum of 1200mg of calcium in diet and supplements (I took a supplement called Bone Health). Still, it wasn’t enough so I reluctantly agreed to try Fosamax. I had no side effects from taking it. I kept up all of the activities and my bone density increased with Fosamax. Fosamax is often the first med that physicians prescribe for osteoporosis. It’s inexpensive (I had no cost on Medicare Part D), and it’s been around for a long, long, time.

Was the Fosamax suggested by your primary care doctor or do you see an endocrinologist?

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3.2 on the lumbar spine, 1.5 on left femoral neck. Very surprised by this. I am active, eat well, etc.

The Fosamax is suggested by my primary provider.

Thanks for replying.


What are your DXA t-scores for spine, hip, femoral neck? That info helps a lot re: medication pathway.
Did you get tested for celiac disease? Fosamax will be less effective if celiac disease -- or another malabsorption condition -- is not under control.
I strongly recommend you purchase "Great Bones" by R. Keith McCormick. It has an extensive section on osteoporosis medications. You can get it on Amazon.
My primary care physician also recommended Fosamax (oral) or Reclast (intravenous), both anti-resorptive medications. After reading and doing my own research, I requested a referral to see an endocrinologist. Short story: I am taking Forteo, an anabolic medication.
Also, you do not need to make a decision immediately about next steps. Gather info first. Ask your doctor how long you can wait to make a decision. (Mine said 3-6 months after diagnosis.)

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I have ordered the book you suggested. Thanks!

Waiting and gathering information is a good tactic too.

Thank you for replying.


Primary care docs prescribe Fosamax or Prolia because insurance require these for those with mild osteoporosis and no fractures. This needs to change! These meds can interfere with the effectiveness of bone builders like Forteo, Tymlos or Evenity.

We don't know your scores but it they are serious, you might want to see an endocrinologist and get on a bone -builder. You eventually lock in gains with one of the bisphosphonates (Reclast or Fosamax etc.). "Great Bones" is a great book and resource! Also a video online by Dr. Ben Ledr about the Sequencing and Combinations of meds.

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Thank you! I will check out the video and have ordered the book.


After forteo I was on fosamax for 4+ years. No side effects on either. Currently I will be having my third injections of evenity uwith no side effects yet. All bodies are individual though as we know. I am 75.

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Thank you for sharing your experience with these drugs.


@gravity3 I just started on Evenity. Are you having any side effects from Evenity?

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Nothing so far just a bit of heat at the sites.


Fosamax can cause femur fractures after five years. Some people have periodontal issues. I had to have bone regeneration in my jaw after taking this for two years.


3.2 on the lumbar spine, 1.5 on left femoral neck. Very surprised by this. I am active, eat well, etc.

The Fosamax is suggested by my primary provider.

Thanks for replying.

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Jasperina, how old are you? Are you a post menopausal woman...and if so are you on her?


Jasperina, how old are you? Are you a post menopausal woman...and if so are you on her?

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Just saw that you are 67. Missed that.


On alendronate (fosamax) for4+ years. Never had any problems. Seemed to slow down my osteoporosis. Every body is different but they all break down eventually..just in different ways and at different rates.

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