Undecided choice of drugs for Osteoporosis

Posted by peace44 @peace44, Oct 10, 2023

I am 80 years old women and have borderline osteoporosis which affects my entire body. My doctor wants me to take Prolia and the Rheumatologist wants me to take Reclast. I’m unhappy with both choices as the side effects are great and I do not tolerate new drugs well. I am very undecided and am considering doing not taking annty drugs for this condition. I have never had a fracture and I’m very active Any opinions or advice.

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I am on Fosomax . I have experienced jaw pain and left femur pain. Now I have to have a tooth extracted and am very concerned about the healing. I am wondering if I should get off of this med that I have been on for 2 years.

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Good morning @southgwalker, I have observed on Connect that members have reached out to their endocrinologist who may be able to come up with a plan accompanied by a calendar that recommends how you should approach this issue. There is also a discussion introduced by my Mayo endocrinologist regarding “vacationing from medications.” This might be very helpful.

This discussion is entitled “Need an osteoporosis drug vacation”, You will find it in the Osteoporosis & Bone Health support group. Let me know if you need a little help.

May you be safe, protected and free from inner and outer harm.


My doctor confirmed that Forteo worked as well (maybe better) every other day.

Has anyone else read/heard that?

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It is scary how many different opinions and practices Doctors have regarding the use of these bone building drugs. Some say every other day as you have stated and others say every day. Who is right? Maybe it depends on the patient… hope so or else we are in trouble.


My doctor confirmed that Forteo worked as well (maybe better) every other day.

Has anyone else read/heard that?

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After you open and use Forteo you must discard it 28 days later. So you would be paying a lot of money for medicine you would not use if you take it every other day.


A very fine endocrinologist tell me to use the two extra days left in the pen. He also advises reusing the same needle because it is changing the needle that degrades the protein. I agree with his assessment. And would continue to use the pen for two months, but not three. I use the two extra days and replace the small protective needle cap using the same needle for a week (when it gets a little dull). The larger Forteo cap won't fit over the pen with the needle attached. This isn't advice, though. I am careful with expiration dates on food products.


Let's confuse things even more. In Japan a weekly administration of a higher dosage of Forteo has been approved. 56 mcg is taken rather than the normal 140 mcg without loss of efficacy if I read the article correctly.

You can find even more articles by searching for teriparatide Japan weekly


A summary of the article.

"It has been found that extending the interval between teriparatide administrations enables bone formation without increasing bone resorption, and a formulation with a weekly dose of 56.5 μg has already been developed in Japan, having been available for use since 2011."


Evenity is the same class of drug as Prolia a monoclonal antibody . These two drugs work in opposite ways. Evenity works to build bone, while Prolia supresses bone loss. Prolia suppresses the cells that break bone down. The scary side of Prolia is that when you stop the drug all the precurser bone-breaking cells that have been collecting mature. Rebound vengence on your bones can be quickly devastating.
You don't mention why you want to quit Prolia. Some endocrinologists would advise that you stay on it. My own impulse would be to switch. The excerpt below would have me choosing Evenity.
"The effect of transitioning to [Evenity] romosozumab after [Prolia] denosumab was evaluated in a phase two study of
romosozumab [35]. When administered after denosumab in postmenopausal women with low BMD, romosozumab increased BMD in the lumbar spine by 2.3% and maintained BMD in the hip, although the increase was of a smaller magnitude than that observed in treatment-naïve patients [35]. While the results of this study suggest that romosozumab may offset the rebound increase in bone resorption observed after denosumab discontinuation, more data are needed to determine whether patients will benefit from transitioning from denosumab to romosozumab. https://www.e-enm.org/journal/view.php?doi=10.3803/EnM.2021.1369
I have a bias against drugs the suppress remodeling which is the action of Prolia and the bisphosphonates. So this would be an easy decision for me.
After Evenity another round of Forteo?
Best luck with your decision.

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Thank you, for your reply. I would like to stop Prolia because I wonder if I will remain "stable" as far as my bone health, and maybe I would like to try for "improvement".

I'm leery of Evenity for the warnings of possible stroke or heart attack. My endocrinologist explained the studies for Evenity showed a very slight increase in numbers in people who had a stroke or heart attack vs. people who weren't taking Evenity. I was diagnosed with AFib last February (after I got off the treadmill for my Stress/ECHO test). I asked my cardiologist for his opinion on Evenity, he explained that he wasn't up to speed on Evenity.

I don't believe I can take Forteo again.


Thank you, for your reply. I would like to stop Prolia because I wonder if I will remain "stable" as far as my bone health, and maybe I would like to try for "improvement".

I'm leery of Evenity for the warnings of possible stroke or heart attack. My endocrinologist explained the studies for Evenity showed a very slight increase in numbers in people who had a stroke or heart attack vs. people who weren't taking Evenity. I was diagnosed with AFib last February (after I got off the treadmill for my Stress/ECHO test). I asked my cardiologist for his opinion on Evenity, he explained that he wasn't up to speed on Evenity.

I don't believe I can take Forteo again.

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@theofficefan55 I also have afib and have no concerns about Evenity on that count. I read the studies. There was no higher risk with Evenity versus placebo, but slight increase versus alendronate, and what I read was that that may have been because alendronate is protective rather than because Evenity is more risky.

Reclast had a warning about afib but doc now says that is okay too. But more leery of that so will do 20% of the dose.
I might be repeating myself!


That's great, that your doctor has opinions/recommendations about Evenity and Reclast. Mine does not, which I find frustrating.


Windyshores has a lovely physician. Thankfully she shares him and we're all jealous.

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