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I now have even more pain from scar tissue after the placement of a VNS which was removed in 2010. The pain this causes is not at all pleasant. Pain is something that many of us live with on a daily basis. I also have other pain issues. Suck (a term I abhor) it up and do not darken the door of another pain specialist nor a doctor of any type as they do not want to lose their lives of luxury. Makes good sense.
Why are there pain doctors when they can do nothing?? Currently believing doctors are useless. Pain messes with my mind.

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Replies to "I now have even more pain from scar tissue after the placement of a VNS which..."

@ dear parus, yes, i (and i am sure many others) have said the same thing. Why are there pain management doctors when they cannot do anything for the pain. This is so unacceptable. Wish i could help you, me and all the others in pain. Sorry for all of us. peach

Happy Peach,
Believe me, I know the frustration of going to a doc who cannot help you.
I went to 5 pain docs before I found someone who could help.
Why 5? That's a long story not worth telling.
I have been seeing my current pain doc for 3 years and he has done great things with my lumbar spine pain.
However, he was not able to do anything with the cervical spine so I opted for surgery.
Truthfully, he failed to be able to help me with my lumbar the last 2 times.
I don't blame him for not being able to hit the spot this time.
Some forms of pain we have are progressive and cannot be helped with shots or pills.
The physiology of our body changes as the diseases progress.
Sometimes surgical interventions are necessary in or to provide any pain relief at all.
Sadly, when it comes to the back and the spine, it is like a dominoes.
One area is bad and once you deal with that, the other areas are irritated, which irritates the next area, etc.
It took me a long time and lots of research to find the right pain doc who could help me.
I am fortunate that my medical insurance allows me that luxury.
I know many people have to stay within certain parameters set by the insurance company.
I don't know what your issues are or what kind of insurance you have, but if you are not happy with your pain doc, research for another one until you find one you like.
BTW....My pain doc does not give me pain meds, just injections.
Good luck to you!!!!!

@ dear grandmar, you are right. I agree with your assessment but, somehow for two different times in my 80 years of life the same chiropractor helped me with two pinched nerves in my cervical spine about eight years age. and now just this month again helped me with two bulging disks and a pinched nerve in the lumbar spine. Took away the pain. Went to him about seven times for each one. And if the pain returns I go back and we do it all over again. I am stunned but it is true. Medicare covers most of the cost. (and I would beg and borrow for the rest.).

Hi Peach
That is FANTASTIC that you have been able to find a chiropractor to help you!!!!
Once we find someone to help us, we grab on and NEVER let go!!!!!

Buy supplimental ins. The you never have to beg borrow or steal.

Hi Peach I also have chiropractor treatments but this year my insurance won't pay I'm going to try again then pay if I have to I'm glad to hear he helped with a bulging disc I have one now but now have a renal cyst don't know where that came from ,I don't know if it is from fibro? Anyone else know?

@peach414144 I just saw this from you...must admit it is laughable as to being sent to pain specialist. the abusers of pain meds seem to have won and most were not even in REAL pain only looking for a high. Ludicrous...