Medtronic Spinal Stimulator for fused Spines

Posted by arm1 @arm1, Nov 12, 2023

Had two extensive spinal fusions which stabilized degenerative but severe back pain ensued.
Medtronic and a pain doc recommended a Medtronic STS. I just went thru with it and now have the most excruciating pain ever. Cutting thru scar tissue for the implant has been awful. Multiple other Tiny nerves were cut. If a surgeon can’t do it on a clean spine, DON’T DO IT

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Good luck- make it clear if they encounter extensive scar tissue/ that they can’t easily get thru- you will have nerves damaged. Tell them, use their discretion but don’t act like surgeons with their egos-stop at that point. You don’t need to get worse

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I almost jumped off of the bed because the Valium didn’t work and the dr went for it anyways. I managed to get two holes burrowed all the way but I was screaming and my legs were jumping so bad that he yelled at me twice saying if I don’t stay still he’s not going to finish. I asked if I could get sedation and he said no. I literally felt EVERY bit of pain of the burrowing splitting through nerves in my scar tissue. *Only do it with sedation*


What caused your severe back pain after the fusions? Was it the fusion itself or nerve pain? I had fusion and my back will not stop killing me, but it is not nerve pain.

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I had back surgery 2 yrs ago. I know I had fusions, that is about all I know that was done, but the pain has never stopped. The pain is unbearable when I try to stand up straight so I have to lean on my rollator to at least get enough relief that I can at least walk. The pain never goes completely away until I sit down and even then there is some pain. I guess I should be thankful I get some relief and also once I am in bed, it eases off, too, after a few minutes. The surgeon has no answers for me and says there is nothing more he can do. I have done as much "stretches" as I could tolerate, had physical therapy and constantly looking for anything that could stop this pain. Haven't found anything yet, but I keep trying. I know there are a lot of people who are having the same problem. It certainly has made life miserable for me. As far as I can tell, the surgery did nothing for me. The pain has never stopped. I don't know if it is nerve pain or muscle pain.


I had back surgery 2 yrs ago. I know I had fusions, that is about all I know that was done, but the pain has never stopped. The pain is unbearable when I try to stand up straight so I have to lean on my rollator to at least get enough relief that I can at least walk. The pain never goes completely away until I sit down and even then there is some pain. I guess I should be thankful I get some relief and also once I am in bed, it eases off, too, after a few minutes. The surgeon has no answers for me and says there is nothing more he can do. I have done as much "stretches" as I could tolerate, had physical therapy and constantly looking for anything that could stop this pain. Haven't found anything yet, but I keep trying. I know there are a lot of people who are having the same problem. It certainly has made life miserable for me. As far as I can tell, the surgery did nothing for me. The pain has never stopped. I don't know if it is nerve pain or muscle pain.

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Can your surgeon not assess the cause/source of the pain, it sounds odd that you would not know if it is nerve related or musculoskeletal in origin. They have different treatments. Also not sure why your surgeon would say there is nothing more they can do - this sounds too vague and not professional - did you get other medical opionions?


Can your surgeon not assess the cause/source of the pain, it sounds odd that you would not know if it is nerve related or musculoskeletal in origin. They have different treatments. Also not sure why your surgeon would say there is nothing more they can do - this sounds too vague and not professional - did you get other medical opionions?

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I had gone to a neurosurgeon, but I didn't have a good feeling about him. A very good friend of mine's husband went to this Dr for his back, had the surgery and had a good outcome which is why I ended up going to the same Dr. I think my back was in worse shape than her husbands. I realize this and also that we are all different. This Dr. told me the surgery would not make the back perfect, but it would be better than is was then. I had xray's every time I was seen and he also showed them to me. Everything looked OK. However, he had nothing to say about the pain. I don't know if I could even see another Dr. now for it. I have heard Dr's don't want to take on another Dr's patient even though the surgeon says there is nothing more he can do. I have lost all confidence in this Dr.. I have been wondering if I could go to the Mayo clinic in Jacksonville and see if there is anything they could do. I haven't tried, yet. Thank you for your input.


The surgeon hit a nerve when he was trying to install a spinal cord stimulator for my sister. Now she is bedridden for the rest of her life. Of course, there are risk with all surgeries, but this is just a true life story about a spinal cord stimulator surgery that went wrong for my sister, He stopped the surgery as soon as he made a mistake, so she never got the spinal cord stimulator and she still has all the pain that she had before.


I had back surgery 2 yrs ago. I know I had fusions, that is about all I know that was done, but the pain has never stopped. The pain is unbearable when I try to stand up straight so I have to lean on my rollator to at least get enough relief that I can at least walk. The pain never goes completely away until I sit down and even then there is some pain. I guess I should be thankful I get some relief and also once I am in bed, it eases off, too, after a few minutes. The surgeon has no answers for me and says there is nothing more he can do. I have done as much "stretches" as I could tolerate, had physical therapy and constantly looking for anything that could stop this pain. Haven't found anything yet, but I keep trying. I know there are a lot of people who are having the same problem. It certainly has made life miserable for me. As far as I can tell, the surgery did nothing for me. The pain has never stopped. I don't know if it is nerve pain or muscle pain.

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Your comments mirror my situation quite closely. I had a lumbar reconstruction with no accompanying pain relief. Physical therapy made things worse. Like you, I get some relief when sitting. I have to make certain I get up every half an hour or so to move. Narcotics do nothing and ibuprofen is all I can use. I am 77 years old and waited 15 years before surgery. Went into surgery with high hopes, but not so good. Still looking for some solution…


There are very few things worse than pain. I am jealous of those just walking around . Besides heavy pain meds which I won’t increase on dose, tried my old standby, naproxen -Aleve except had to stop because could handle it when young but now ? Legs(ankles swell).
Underwent stimulator insertion and waiting after 2 weeks, when nerves injured injured during procedure hopefully quiet down , still how gadget works


I had facet issues in my neck. 2010 had a Medtronic pain implant. Luckily and strangely just the leads going to bilateral C3-6 seemed to take my daily migraines away.
But, if I started using it as directed and start the battery and and initiate the tens unit feel on my neck gave me migraines within 30 minutes


I had gone to a neurosurgeon, but I didn't have a good feeling about him. A very good friend of mine's husband went to this Dr for his back, had the surgery and had a good outcome which is why I ended up going to the same Dr. I think my back was in worse shape than her husbands. I realize this and also that we are all different. This Dr. told me the surgery would not make the back perfect, but it would be better than is was then. I had xray's every time I was seen and he also showed them to me. Everything looked OK. However, he had nothing to say about the pain. I don't know if I could even see another Dr. now for it. I have heard Dr's don't want to take on another Dr's patient even though the surgeon says there is nothing more he can do. I have lost all confidence in this Dr.. I have been wondering if I could go to the Mayo clinic in Jacksonville and see if there is anything they could do. I haven't tried, yet. Thank you for your input.

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Xrays - plain, CT or MRI show anatomy. Unfortunately, aside from infection which shows up with Nuclear Scans (PET), there is really nothing that shows pain. A study of marathon runners - revealed tha 1/3 had herniated discs by CT or MRI but who ran and had no problems. Other people with severe pain have normal studies. Take way- Imaging shows anatomy and not pain so surgery may relieve the problem but will also result in scar tissue, which can after 6 months exacerbate the pain. The trick is finding the cause of the pain- often an irritated nerve root- so injection - on that side - forminal injections and median nerve root injections also, trigger point injections (not epidural injections) may find the cause and then treating that is best.


Due to a crushed L1 from a horse riding accident I have had three back surgeries and have four rods and screws. I was recommended to have a Medtronic S.C.S. Getting one wire down my spine was terrible and they were unable to get the second wire down. The first year I was able to walk pain free and a lot further than before. After the year I was in awful pain. It felt as if every nerve in my body was on fire. I turned the S.C.S. off. There were attempts to find a better program, but nothing worked.

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