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I have Stage 1A grade 1 endometrial cancer

Gynecologic Cancers | Last Active: Nov 25, 2023 | Replies (26)

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@amt1105 I apologize for the delay in answering your question. Somehow I missed it.

My « tumor » was visible as thickened endometrial lining on the ultrasound. I’d need to get my records out to see what the thickness was however the radiologist who read the scan noted that the thickened endometrium was « suspicious for cancer ». That comment did not alarm me at the time because I knew that this is how radiologists make sure their remarks and diagnoses cover all the bases.

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Replies to "@amt1105 I apologize for the delay in answering your question. Somehow I missed it. My «..."

Thank you for answering. My tvus came back with a thickness of 5.7mm. My surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday to remove everything I have left. I have 3 fibroids, going for an mri today to make sure they are actually fibroids. I had a tvus at the end of March and then another one three weeks ago, both said fibroids. The second tvus scan did say they got a little bigger, so not sure what to think. My specialist seemed very optimistic, kept telling me these are pre-cancerous cells, but reading everything here not sure what to think. My anxiety has been through the roof and everything is happening so quickly. I just want it over at this point.