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I have Stage 1A grade 1 endometrial cancer

Gynecologic Cancers | Last Active: Nov 25, 2023 | Replies (26)

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This is my first comment, here goes. I too had a total hysterectomy because of cancer in the endometrial lining & it was Stage 1A. I read that 90 - 95% of women are "good to go" after that you are monitored for 5 years. I was told I was "all clear". Unfortunately, I was in the 5% and had a recurrence in my pelvis appearing as 2 tumors. I could feel them 6 months after the surgery. Six chemo treatments later and they were both gone - again. And ... 6 months later ... you guessed it, a tumor returned in the same spot as one of the original ones. So I'm now in my 2nd clinical trial & it's shrinking. I hope this info helps someone. I feel good, except for a rare pneumonia I can't seem to kick since mid-July. I have a blood clot near the chemo port too, but no symptoms there. Staying positive and walking daily - it helps so very much!

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Replies to "This is my first comment, here goes. I too had a total hysterectomy because of cancer..."

@crowleykid My I ask what kind of endometrial cancer you were diagnosed with?

My initial diagnosis after hysterectomy was endometrial adenocarcinoma Stage 1A. My surgeon gave me a Survivor Plan that provided all of my paperwork, including the pathology, and follow-up schedule. It indicated about a 5% chance of recurrence. Well, like you, I was in the 5% and within two years I had a recurrence of the same kind of cancer. I had radiation therapy and so far I’ve had no evidence of disease. My next follow-up is in January.

After 2 years since the recurrence I don’t dwell on the cancer as much. I exercise like you, and I have hope.

I’m glad to know that the most recent tumor is shrinking and that you feel good. Walking daily when you have pneumonia tells me that you indeed are staying positive.

How many more treatments will you have in your most recent clinical trial?