Collagen for osteoporosis?

Posted by cpb @cpb, Jul 26, 2021

My friend's medical doctor has her take collagen for her bones. I decided to try it and wondered if anyone knows more than I do about this.

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looking into natto: it has highest amount of k2 (also its variety) among fermented food! you dont need to take a lot daily. the only problenm is one has to adjust to its taste... additionally natto has benefits to cardiovascular system

does anyone know what prunes' story is? they have lots of fiber and potassium. how do they help with bones?

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I can’t post because I am a new member but you can google this is the title

Surprising foods that boost bone health
January 1, 2023
By Maureen Salamon, Executive Editor, Harvard Women's Health Watch


I can’t post because I am a new member but you can google this is the title

Surprising foods that boost bone health
January 1, 2023
By Maureen Salamon, Executive Editor, Harvard Women's Health Watch

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found it, thank you! so about 5-6 prunes daily

it's interesting that during pandemic I thought I finally got my diet straightened out for my high cholesterol, and a bit carbohydrate intolerance/insulin resistence. had been reading extensively and following a well planned diet of my own. got hba1c as well as ldl at target goal... this newly diagnosed op is disturbing my old 'perfect' diet quite a bit. each addition or deletion of food item will cause an addition or deletion of another. sigh


found it, thank you! so about 5-6 prunes daily

it's interesting that during pandemic I thought I finally got my diet straightened out for my high cholesterol, and a bit carbohydrate intolerance/insulin resistence. had been reading extensively and following a well planned diet of my own. got hba1c as well as ldl at target goal... this newly diagnosed op is disturbing my old 'perfect' diet quite a bit. each addition or deletion of food item will cause an addition or deletion of another. sigh

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Have you been to an endocrinologist? I am hesitant not only because of the long wait for an appt but also that he/she will insist only medicine helps and I know that can’t be true. But it’s scary to figure all this out alone. Did you discover your osteoporosis in a screening?


Have you been to an endocrinologist? I am hesitant not only because of the long wait for an appt but also that he/she will insist only medicine helps and I know that can’t be true. But it’s scary to figure all this out alone. Did you discover your osteoporosis in a screening?

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depending on what your dexa results were and ur menopausal status, I think. if premenopausal and osteopenia status, you might be able to wait and see if nutrition and exercise would get you better. do read other fellow patiens' and experts' opinion on this!

I'd definitely advise you to see an endocrinologist for an initial consultation, that won't hurt.

in my case, I had a dexa in 2016 which showed slight osteopenia. my dx last year was delayed due to many reasons and I was sent right away to an endocrinologist by my pcp. it took 4 months from dx to my 1st dose of forteo, an anabolic drug. during those 4 months, I saw my endo twice, once for figuring out possible causes of my op and once to discuss medication options. I think seeing a specialist, whoever it might be, is the right way to go.


Thank you people! I never heard about collagen for osteoporosis! I’ve had osteoporosis for years. Taking Prolia for as long. My dexa results have stayed the same for years!(and I’ve had some awful falls that didn’t cause any bone damage) it’s crazy and I’m grateful. But I now have scholios. Very painful so I live on pain medication. Can collagen help my pain -maybe?


I can forward the link if I can figure out how to link the article!

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@sc614 may I ask why marine collagen? are they better? if you are concerned about its effect on dense breast tissue, would a yearly mammogram help you with your concern? I take just one scoop daily of vital proteins collagen peptides (bovine) just not to miss anything :). it is said that if we consume enough quality protein, usually from animal source, we'd get all the essential amino acids that we need since these protein will break down to amino acids anyway. I do take type II collagen as a pill form daily.

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I am concerned about using collagen since reading that you shouldn’t if you have dense breasts.


I started marine collagen vital proteins as I have osteoporosis. But I also have dense breasts and now am second guessing my decision after research on how collagen plays a role in tumors and dense breasts. Does anyone have the same concerns? I am overwhelmed by all this

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Yes, I do. I had just ordered a 6 months supply of collagen and am returning it. I don’t want to have breast cancer again. Apparently taking collagen may be good for your bones but not advisable if you have dense breasts.


I started marine collagen vital proteins as I have osteoporosis. But I also have dense breasts and now am second guessing my decision after research on how collagen plays a role in tumors and dense breasts. Does anyone have the same concerns? I am overwhelmed by all this

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I am so thankful for this Mayo Clinic blog.


Yes, I do. I had just ordered a 6 months supply of collagen and am returning it. I don’t want to have breast cancer again. Apparently taking collagen may be good for your bones but not advisable if you have dense breasts.

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It really is hard to know the right decisions to make especially when there is no conclusive research yet on this topic. I feel Defeated because i was committed using collagen daily, excited it could help,
This was one article I referred to :

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