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I also have them for about 1,5 years. Anti inflammatory diet, intermittent fasting, no gluten, no sugar, no fast food, and no lactose have helped me. A day fasting and they almost dissappeared for a day which means eating less and eliminating certain foods seem to help. I ate however lots of clean nuts, meat, chicken, fish, vegetable yet no sweet fruits for a long time. Also to rest and stay away from stress as much as you can also help to reduce them in my case. They have increased since my stress have increased and I now eat sweet fruits, gluten and lactose every now and then. I need to return my strict diet... It is horrible, I know and doctors have no idea about it except they keep teeling it is stress. I wish you the best...

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Replies to "I also have them for about 1,5 years. Anti inflammatory diet, intermittent fasting, no gluten, no..."

WOW, I never would’ve thought Diet was related. I’m gonna have to start paying more attention. I don’t do a lot of take out foods. Pizza for get togethers. If I do have a burger I try and work for it first. I’ve lost 173 pounds over last 6 years. (My husband 100) (Daughter 30)- were Rockhounds and hunting them. I myself can walk the beach for hours. Winter too. So trying to stay fit. But the vibrations came out of nowhere. Don’t have a clue what triggered them. I just woke up n there they were. It’s so intense and insane that I can’t get an answer and being pushed towards Mayo Clinic. I’ve seen my Neurologist in Ann Arbor in Michigan at the U of M Hospital but after 2 yrs he has no clue and suggested I see Mayo Clinic for option. I have all my tests n bloodwork. CDs.
I just don’t know where to get started. I’ve had a TKR in 21’ which failed me. Apparently I’m allergic to Nickel n Formaldehyde n lotions. So thinking allergy to the knee implant they did a knee revision this Sept. but all this started before those surgeries. A Cervical Fusion in 21’ a Subtotal Colectomy, hysterectomy which I almost died. Had sepsis so bad. Was in hosp 2 weeks then home with a pic line. But I have noticed in past 2-3 years my hair had been coming out in hand fulls after a shower. I lightly comb as I’ve lost so much n fear loosin it all. I’ve taken a baggie to Dr to show but I get the occasional reply, “Look at mine, I’m bald” -guy versus women. Finally after getting a new Dr. ( other closed up office n moved closer to his home) so I saw my Dermatologist who gave me men’s strength 50mg to use twice a day. ( hubby read it was for men so had to call pharmacy n ask if they gave me the wrong one) nope, just Dr prob thought I needed the extra treatments. So now I’m wondering if all my hair loss could be related to a diet that I did, all my Surgeries (anesthesia) related or Whatever.. I did get n still do lots of Protein shakes. I’ll have least 1 a day, sometimes an extra for that lil bump to steer away from temptation. Or if I do have a Brain or Spinal issue. Or a Cancer ? I wonder when Drs start testing for that ? I did get to nearly 300pds. I’m now averaging 125-28. I never thought I’d weigh less than I did than before we married 45 years ago..(135) Shocking. I’ll go to PT or Dr office n if I hadn’t been there awhile, they’ll ask what happened looking at an older drivers license..(I need a new one badly I look nothing like before). But I’m glad you posted about Diet. That clicked to maybe shy the hair loss but with these internal Vibrations I’m clueless. The only thing I can think of back in 2018 my PM sent me to this Neurologist they use. (After seeing her that was my last) I had a bad Vertigo spell where I was pulled to the right an crashed into a water heater n fell w me hitting a 2-liter pop bottle from the top. I believe back my head n neck hit the pop cap area. Doc said it was Occipital Neuralgia. That she could take care of it. She then gave me 2 Nerve blocks there in the room on first visit. Was sooo painful. It took 8 months to just get back to that same pain level as B4 those 2 injections on both sides of occipital. So of course I didn’t go back. My PM knew how bad it was for me. I couldn’t turn my head towards shoulders. Still can’t. Still a lot of pain. So now PM at a different facility is goin to do nerve blocks this Dec. a series of 3 and put asleep for the 5 min job. I can tough it n be awake but they say Best do it this way. I’m not Sqemish. Maybe it’ll help with my migraines too. But on my research from the Whiplash of hitting that pop bottle could have inflamed those nerves. I’d (found the right Dr before all this now, having gone yrs like this). So getting things done n figuring out all this is maddening. These Vibrations are a nuisance. A pain in my keister. Any other Ideas ? Thanks again about the stomach/diet. I’ll research. I’ve gone over 3 yrs now hopefully someone can help resolve this. I just like to get on with a normal life. I’m tired of going to Drs when I can be walking the Beach for Rocks.
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