← Return to Swelling and stiffness, 3 years after total knee replacement

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I am new to this site, but not new to post total knee replacement pain. Never did get the outcome I expected and had a lot of pain around the upper and outer side or the knee cap. I was having a spinal procedure done at Pain Management and told the doc "Forget my back, my knee is killing me." He took one look, listened to me and told me he could do something for me. I set up a "genicular", as they called it. Three injections around the knee with an xray guided fluoroscope. It gave me a lot of relief and I could straighten my leg complete for the first time in several years. I later moved on to a peroneal nerve block which helped the intermittant cramping and shooting pain on the outside of the knee going down the leg. Not all of the time, but enough to stop me in my tracks. I have had periodic treatments at Pain Management with success but the injections do not last more than 6 months or so. I had xrays, and just had an MRI since the last nerve block a month ago did nothing at all. I just read the MRI report and they find no problems with the appliance, but it was obliterating some of the tissue. Well, that's where the problem is. Thankfully, the fake knee has not shifted position. I am going to seek an orthopod and then probably some PT to gain back some of the muscles I have lost in favoring that leg. Knee hurts, then foot hurts and then hip hurts. Everything seems out of alignment and the docs believe the knee is the culprit. Perhaps a good PT doc will allow me to try to guild up my quads and other large muscles to help support the weak and wobbly knee. ALSO, big discovery, a week ago, I got some kinesiology tape., which is used in the military as well as in sports. youtube has a lot of PT folks describing how to apply it. I put it on as directed for the area of my pain and instability, and it WORKED to stabilize the knee, sort of like an outside force, doing the work of stabilizing, thus allowing me to have a straight leg at the knee and walk properly. when I take t he tape off every couple of days, it still wobbles, but while it is on, I have relief and while my muscles are being built up, I think it is helping me. Building up those muscles to support that area is probably what I need to do. We'll see when I see the ortho guy. Don't give up! also, try not to PIVOT on your leg, making the knee take all of the motion. Just an observation. I hope all of this helps someone. I can only share what I know has worked for me int he past and what path I am taking now. I am 75 now and I am NOT down and out. I want to be the best I CAN be for as long as I can. I can't give up, but I can slow down and allow myself to not overdo things and hinder healing. that's all for now. Thanks for allowing me on this site. I'll be back!

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Replies to "I am new to this site, but not new to post total knee replacement pain. Never..."

Thank you for your comments...I am a little over a year out and my leg hurts so much. The knee is stable, great ROM and I can straighten it and it feel best straight. However, I have hip and lower back pain and pain not on the side of the knee. Maybe more like stiffness and extreme soreness. I've been in PT twice and both times a month or so after being dismissed I"m back to where I was before. I do walk lots, exercise, ride a recumbent bike and do stretching. It seems t more I do the more sore I am, but I'm just as or if I do nothing. Seems like I just can't strengthen the muscles. Ortho is finished with me as everything seems to in place and good with the joint replacement. I won't give up either and I'm 62. Very active as well.

Thanks for sharing. I thought I was the only one, who had a problem with their TKR. It's been three years since I had my surgery. I have discomfort on the left side of my left knee. When sitting for a while and standing up it can be very painful. My orthopedic Dr. says my X-rays show no issue with my TKR. My right ankle and the right side of my back hurts all the time. I’m putting more pressure on my right side when I walk. Also, walk with a cane.

My tkr from 4 yrs ago is hurting me much like your pain. Going to try k tape which I used pre tkr and need to find a PT that understands fibro. Too many repetitions of stretches makes me hurt more!!