Medical marijuana vape for pain relief from Peripheral Neuropathy?

Posted by Steve @stevebern, Jul 31, 2022


Does anyone here use a vape cartridge for pain relief? My feet hurt all the time, not terrible in the morning but by evening they scream at me. I find that a single puff makes all the pain and worry all go away for about 90 minutes, then I fall asleep. I only use it at night, and have tried not doing it two nights in a row, but as the pain gets worse I have used it two nights in a row, and last night was the first time I had it three nights in a row.

I’m concerned about my body getting used to it, and that it will stop working. I’m 58, in great health, and want to know I will have this relief for many years.

I guess the question is, if I use it too much now, will I lose it later, when it will probably be so much worse?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


I have have found that one THC gummy (20%) a half hour before bed helps relieve the pain and cramping enough to allow me get to sleep. I know everyone is different but it might be worth a try if you can't smoke or vape.

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Thank You!


Were you using an indica. It’s funny I do not know if you are him but there is a marijuana shop called marijuana man online. Living in Texas I seriously doubt it will be legal for medical use any time soon. Looking at moving to Colorado.

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@artemis1886 try ordering gummies from FiveCBD or CBD for gummies that are 5mg or 2mg THC and CBD 100 or 200mg but Delta 8 hemp plants which is not regulated by FDA.


I’m in Jacksonville. Have Pudendal Nerve Nauralgia.
To tell you the truth I had never heard of it and am finding out that it is an absolute nightmare to live with.
Can’t wear pants!!
Looking for some relief, especially at night.

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Henny check out or for gummies without THC.


I just received some from Blue Moon Hemp. First night was great.
Maybe that was a coincidence, will know more by the end of the week.


I just received some from Blue Moon Hemp. First night was great.
Maybe that was a coincidence, will know more by the end of the week.

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How good now ?

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