Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hi I'm Lioness 75 hrs young I am a retired nurse and have had fibromyalgia ,triple by pass for hrs ,since the 90,s Magnesium has been a God send for me I have posted below to some people with fibro

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dear lioness and all: magnesium.... last night i again woke up with terrible pain as my left leg was contorted into an extremely painful cramp. After standing up it took about 15 minutes of much pain to get the leg normal again. Today i went to the orthopedic md and got a shot in the left leg knee which was hurting from arthritis for about a month. And now thank you i will be using magnesium which hopefully will help with the cramps. (Not to take to much). thank you. peach barbara


Hi I'm Lioness 75 hrs young I am a retired nurse and have had fibromyalgia ,triple by pass for hrs ,since the 90,s Magnesium has been a God send for me I have posted below to some people with fibro

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So sorry f or the cramp they are painful The magnesium will help also take calcium and Vi t D along with it at nighttime for a good night sleep.Let me know how it helps you.Linda


@caligodgirl Hello Cindy and welcome to Mayo Connect.

I am so sorry to hear of this difficult pain and internal bruising from scar tissue. Having lived with this for 5 years sounds so hard.

Do any of the doctors you have seen offer you any suggestions for this scar tissue problem?

Often large medical centers have a plethora of specialists who can help with severe problems like you have reported. Have you considered a second opinion from a large medical center like Mayo (they have locations in Minnesota, Florida and Arizona) or perhaps a large medical universtiy in your area?

We look forward to getting to know you and supporting you.


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@peach414144 Hi, Barb. I just hate those knee shots, and I refuse to get another one until I am totally unable to walk. But I won't be able to crawl, either, so I guess I will just roll or drift in the high tide. It is almost as bad as the hip bone biopsy.


Thanks for all the great info on here. I had a lower back fusion over 10 years ago which helped at that time. I am now more pain symptoms which has brought me to see a pain specialist and a back surgeon. I am just looking for relief again. One wants to put a nerve stimulation device in my back which the back surgeon said that should be last resort. Ibuprofen I use everyday. Hydrocodone on bad days. I am just wondering which is the best surgeon to remove the old hardware in my back then install new that will fix my back again. I am 58 yrs old right now

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I wish I had gotten the spinal cord stimulator implant much sooner than I did. It's really helped reduce my peripheral neuropathy pain. Burst DR is something you might want to research.



@caligodgirl Hello Cindy and welcome to Mayo Connect.

I am so sorry to hear of this difficult pain and internal bruising from scar tissue. Having lived with this for 5 years sounds so hard.

Do any of the doctors you have seen offer you any suggestions for this scar tissue problem?

Often large medical centers have a plethora of specialists who can help with severe problems like you have reported. Have you considered a second opinion from a large medical center like Mayo (they have locations in Minnesota, Florida and Arizona) or perhaps a large medical universtiy in your area?

We look forward to getting to know you and supporting you.


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I like your name. God is the best place to start in any part of our lives.

I've had 4 gastric surgeries, and had to have one to deal with the adhesions from the priors. Anytime my stomach hurts, I start preparing my mind to go to the ER. I was thankful for one surgeon who straightened out the line up my stomach and gave me my belly button back.

I surely hope you find a way to get things sorted out soon. Don't worry about the length of your posts. I'm one of the ramblers here, and everyone puts up with me.



@caligodgirl Hello Cindy and welcome to Mayo Connect.

I am so sorry to hear of this difficult pain and internal bruising from scar tissue. Having lived with this for 5 years sounds so hard.

Do any of the doctors you have seen offer you any suggestions for this scar tissue problem?

Often large medical centers have a plethora of specialists who can help with severe problems like you have reported. Have you considered a second opinion from a large medical center like Mayo (they have locations in Minnesota, Florida and Arizona) or perhaps a large medical universtiy in your area?

We look forward to getting to know you and supporting you.


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After a while you get used to the shots. Ii waited for 2 1/2 months before i went and that was because the blood pressure hiked up to a serious count When they spray the numbing gas on the knee at the same time they insert the needle it does help some. must buy another large bottle of Advil's and i think i should buy stock in the Advil's. and will somebody please talk to my ulcer. just can't win but again, turn up the music please. take care all.


Hi I'm Lioness 75 hrs young I am a retired nurse and have had fibromyalgia ,triple by pass for hrs ,since the 90,s Magnesium has been a God send for me I have posted below to some people with fibro

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thank you Lioness. i am now using high dosage of magnesium. Am sure in time it will work as with everything else, eventually.


Hi I'm Lioness 75 hrs young I am a retired nurse and have had fibromyalgia ,triple by pass for hrs ,since the 90,s Magnesium has been a God send for me I have posted below to some people with fibro

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Good it is what he is me with my fibro Iwi say it takes awhile till your body riches it's peak so he patient also the are so many diff.ones you should do u homework the ones that dnt give you diarrhea I use mag. malete over good ones are glutamate ,since I've had it for so long Fibro Malic also.hope all helps keep me posted Linda


Hi I'm Lioness 75 hrs young I am a retired nurse and have had fibromyalgia ,triple by pass for hrs ,since the 90,s Magnesium has been a God send for me I have posted below to some people with fibro

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Also read what parish wrote


@caligodgirl Hello Cindy and welcome to Mayo Connect.

I am so sorry to hear of this difficult pain and internal bruising from scar tissue. Having lived with this for 5 years sounds so hard.

Do any of the doctors you have seen offer you any suggestions for this scar tissue problem?

Often large medical centers have a plethora of specialists who can help with severe problems like you have reported. Have you considered a second opinion from a large medical center like Mayo (they have locations in Minnesota, Florida and Arizona) or perhaps a large medical universtiy in your area?

We look forward to getting to know you and supporting you.


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I had an ulcer back in the 90,s Dr. put me on Medium but I also drank plenty of 12 @ a12 this felt good on my stomach.Sharing information

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