Laser Therapy for Neuropathy

Posted by mikween @mikween, Jun 14, 2017

Has anyone ever heard of Laser Therapy for Neuropathy?

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<p>Has anyone on here used the infrared treatment for neuropathy yet? So to say I am tired and frustrated is a true under statement. My neuropathy started in my feet a little over 2 years ago and about 6 months ago it moved to my hands which has been a challenge but for about 2 weeks now I have a whole new set of pains. The top of my calf muscles are extremely tight like with a bare stretch will cramp in a heartbeat then a part of my foot will also cramp. When I go to stand it feels like my skin is 2 inches to small for my legs and it's like someone is pulling hard to stretch my skin so it fits. None of my wonderful VA drs seem to have a clue and seem to be in no hurry to figure any of this out. As I said I will be trying the infrared therapy starting on the 9th and if successful the VA will get me my own little set. I guess I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I take a combination of Gabapentin, Morphine and CBD gummies to get about a 40 to 60% relief from pain. What if anything are you finding to work on your issues</p>

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I will let everyone know if I have success. I pray that it does work. I am doing a lot with the Homeless in my area and sometimes it requires me going into the woods to find their encampment. It is starting to effect my ability as to how long and how far I can go and sadly I do not have anyone ready to step up and take my place


<p>Has anyone on here used the infrared treatment for neuropathy yet? So to say I am tired and frustrated is a true under statement. My neuropathy started in my feet a little over 2 years ago and about 6 months ago it moved to my hands which has been a challenge but for about 2 weeks now I have a whole new set of pains. The top of my calf muscles are extremely tight like with a bare stretch will cramp in a heartbeat then a part of my foot will also cramp. When I go to stand it feels like my skin is 2 inches to small for my legs and it's like someone is pulling hard to stretch my skin so it fits. None of my wonderful VA drs seem to have a clue and seem to be in no hurry to figure any of this out. As I said I will be trying the infrared therapy starting on the 9th and if successful the VA will get me my own little set. I guess I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I take a combination of Gabapentin, Morphine and CBD gummies to get about a 40 to 60% relief from pain. What if anything are you finding to work on your issues</p>

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Hello @painfully64. Thank you for sharing about your journey with infrared therapy. It is wonderful that you are trying new and different things to address your symptoms. You will notice that I have moved your post into an existing discussion on a similar topic. There may be additional resources and information that you find valuable in this discussion as well. You can find your post here now:
- Laser Therapy for Neuropathy:

You started treatment on the 9th. How has it gone so far?


I do not mean to be disrespectful, but this is my understanding so far and please point me in right direction if I am wrong. It is not "laser" therapy. There (again my understanding is there is a huge difference between the terms and process of laser vs infrared). To continue with the answer to your question though is during my first 20 minute session I could actually feel and see like my muscles twitch. 1 session is not enough to jump up and down as if it's a wonder cure or to degrade the system.
I will be getting 2 sessions in this week and will give a update this weekend. I will say I did have a positive experience. God Bless


Infrared PN treatment. I know this is early on but I promised to keep all updated. I had my 2nd treatment today and again immediately felt relief in both of my feet. Well enough to do the stationary bike next in my PT. Right now the results are lasting for about 2 hours. I will tell you this to be honest when the pain comes back it is almost with a vengeance but we figure that is because I am not yet on a daily regiment of doing it. My understanding is that I will eventually be able to do 2 twenty minute sessions a day. I have contacted the Va on getting my own system for home use so I can dedicate my whole hour to PT and keeping my muscles up to par. As with anything I try I hold a collective breath as in two variables can happen it can keep working and give me outstanding results or my body can conform to the treatment and start to render 20 minuets a day as ineffective and be back to square 1. It's all a risk in dealing with the unknown. When I get my home kit I will share pictures of it. My understanding is they run about 1300$ so be wary of cheap knock offs from people only looking to make money off
Of your pain. In January I will be traveling to see a new neurologist at the Durham NC VA facilities. My newest MRIs show bulging disc and bone spurs with a couple of those spurs putting pressure on a few nerve endings as well. I will be doing my next therapy Appointment on Monday so I will check in again. Do not give up the fight to live life as pain free as possible. Have a open mind and be willing to try anything at least once to help.
Love all...Daryle


Yea]s, thankfully. There’s a (sorry, my TBI problem kills my righting of words like this) laser on my butts down and it took a few hours around 1.5 hours from my city. They checked = from my butt - left & right - down to my feet. They found one nerve close in the bottom part of me butt. Sorry, a couple 2 years ago, I fell down on my garage and hit my butts… so, at the coming end of this mth will “fix” it - hopefully 👍


Infrared PN treatment. I know this is early on but I promised to keep all updated. I had my 2nd treatment today and again immediately felt relief in both of my feet. Well enough to do the stationary bike next in my PT. Right now the results are lasting for about 2 hours. I will tell you this to be honest when the pain comes back it is almost with a vengeance but we figure that is because I am not yet on a daily regiment of doing it. My understanding is that I will eventually be able to do 2 twenty minute sessions a day. I have contacted the Va on getting my own system for home use so I can dedicate my whole hour to PT and keeping my muscles up to par. As with anything I try I hold a collective breath as in two variables can happen it can keep working and give me outstanding results or my body can conform to the treatment and start to render 20 minuets a day as ineffective and be back to square 1. It's all a risk in dealing with the unknown. When I get my home kit I will share pictures of it. My understanding is they run about 1300$ so be wary of cheap knock offs from people only looking to make money off
Of your pain. In January I will be traveling to see a new neurologist at the Durham NC VA facilities. My newest MRIs show bulging disc and bone spurs with a couple of those spurs putting pressure on a few nerve endings as well. I will be doing my next therapy Appointment on Monday so I will check in again. Do not give up the fight to live life as pain free as possible. Have a open mind and be willing to try anything at least once to help.
Love all...Daryle

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@painfully64 I will be very interested in knowing what brand name and model number infrared system you are able to get to use in your home and whether or not it continues to help you. I have seen the less expensive systems on Amazon and I figure they cannot be as effective as those used in a medical/professional setting. Best wishes!! Mike


Are there different laser therapy treatments to try for neuropathy?


Infrared is the only one that I know about but there is difference in the manufactures and also in the time that you can be exposed to it as well as different strengths of the infrared that is used. I hope that helps you?


If you google cold laser therapy, and scroll there is a review of devices, including the strength of the laser per unit. Rehabmart. I would research the strength of the laser, and if it has a timer, to protect your skin. Also, note how it is used clinically aka read the directions. I would buy it from a medical device sales company. I have done CLT and the treatment worked wonders over 4 weeks 2x per week. So, know that to use this device too often and too long could backfire, figuratively and literally.

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