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Has anyone been prescribed EB-N5?

Neuropathy | Last Active: Jun 9 9:30am | Replies (87)

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@ray666 Ray - interesting you mention the "stable phase of my PN" which I have experienced these episodes for about 5 - 6 years. It's like you feel it is the same and then over a day or so....uh oh...it's worse and it stays worse. I mentioned that to one of the neuro docs and they looked at me like I had two heads. My stable period lasts about 6 - 9 months. By the way, I never went back to that neuro doc. Ed

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Replies to "@ray666 Ray - interesting you mention the "stable phase of my PN" which I have experienced..."

Good morning, Ed (@njed)

Good phases, bad phases, in-between phases––it's enough to drive a guy crazy! 🙂 At moment, I think I'm in one of my good phases. Or, of course, it may be an in-between phase. Not a day goes by without my having an hour or two of super-wobbliness. The other hours of the day … well, it all depends. I really should begin to keep a Captain's Log on all these phases so I'd have some real data to present my doc (of course, even with real data, he may still look at me like I have two heads).

Somewhat unrelated: My PCP wants me to try Tamsulosin because of an unreliable bladder. I noticed among the side effects: dizziness. I sent my PCP a note a moment ago asking if she really thinks it's okay for me to use Tamsulosin. If there's one thing I don't need it's a drug that will make me even more wobbly. 😀

Ray (@ray666)

P.S. Does Connect have a forum for people with two heads?