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Connection between Neuropathy and L4,L5 Issues

Neuropathy | Last Active: Dec 2, 2023 | Replies (53)

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It is my understanding that nerves do not regenerate. Am I wrong? Then what about spinal dissection?

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Replies to "It is my understanding that nerves do not regenerate. Am I wrong? Then what about spinal..."

The way that I understand it is that if you have PN from a compressed disc, once you remove the compression, the nerve can regenerate. I think the amount of time that the nerve was under stress plays a role also. In my case, the doctor said that my muscles did not atrophy and he hopes that once the nerve regenerates itself, reconnects, I should gain strength back in my right foot (of which I currentlyfail the 'big toe test'). He said I might have to deal with the pain, numbness, pins and needles forever, however, I'm seeing other YouTube doctors say it can recover. Therefore, I'm trying to maximize my chances by the right diet, nerve gliding/flossing, PT, exercise and vitamins that promote the healing.
Except for this self inflicted PN because I waited too long to have L4/L5 surgery, I am very healthy. Knock on wood ...
I do not think the nerves regenerate themselves when you get PN from diabetes, RA medicine, chemo or the like.
This is what I understand from reading. It's not like doctors are overwhelming anybody with information. There's a doctor above that was noted as 'great'. If they were that great, why are you here seeking answers? I had to read on and off for a few months, came up with a series of questions, and before I get done asking, it seemed like my time was up. Not sure when patients have PN why can't doctors just give you a standard diet to follow, vitamins to take, and immediately refer you to PT. Such as alpha lipoic acid shows get for diabetic PN but not compression PN. I guess if they gave out standard information I wouldn't be making return visits ... ugh